Chapter 2

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Nearly week has passed and Souls dad drove the van up the sunday before the trip. This would be the first time he had seen his son in five years. He drove to the apartment address Soul had given them before he left and parked outside the house. He went in and up two sets of stairs before coming to a stop outside door 5. He lifted his hand and hesitated for a second before knocking.

"Just hold on a second." Maka's voice called out. When he heard it he smiled slightly. He knew his son would have chosen a good partner but something in him knew she might not like him or he might not like her. Soon a blond came and opened the door. Maka quickly looked him up and down before smiling.

"Hi. You must be souls dad." She said holding her hand out. He shook her hand

"Yeah i am. And you are?" He asked.

"I'm Maka Albarn. Soul's meister."

"Oh meister. But of a strange title but ok." He said. Maka stepped to the side and let him in. He walked in and stood in the living room of the small apartment. Soul walked out of his room and down to the kitchen to get some breakfast but when he stepped into the living room he saw his dad. He didn't say anything but just stood and looked at him. Maka looked at them both before walking to the kitchen to start making Soul his breakfast.

"Hey dad." Soul said breaking the silence. He looked down to his feet slightly. Embarrassed at what he had done to the family name.

"Hello Soul. Here are they keys to the van i promised." He said holding out his hand. Soul hovered his hand under his dads and he let the key drop from his hand. It was a small drop but Soul caught it.

"Its was nice seeing you Eater."

"You two Evans." Soul said. They both nodded before his dad left.

"Don't let this girl go ok." He whispered to Soul before leaving. Soul nodded and watch his dad go again even after the door was shut he just carried on watching it. Waiting for it to open again. Maka walked in with a plate of bacon, eggs and beans.

"Are you ok Soul?" Maka asked. While placing the plate on the table

"Yeah. I'm good." He said tearing his eyes away from the door. "I got the keys." He said smiling while holding the keys up. Maka ruffled his hair making it more messier than before.

"You miss your family don't you." She said smiling. Soul nodded

"I want to see them again. I want them to see me as a member of the family again and not a weapon." He said. He sat down and started eating the food that maka put out after saying grace. Nothing could beat a soul but Makas cooking comes close to it.

Across the city blackstar had done no packing while Tsubaki had finished hers. Somehow the two opposite people are able to resonate. Blackstar was midway through doing some random exercises when Tsubaki walked into the living room.

"Im glad Soul and Maka invited us to go with them. We get to miss out on lessons for a few weeks." He said grinning.

"Im surprised. Thats all you think about is skipping classes or making a big entrance." Tsubaki said smiling slightly.

"Classes aren't going to help a god like me rise up above the rest. If anything it will only hold me back and you Tsubaki will help me achieve the highest god like status." He said laughing loudly. Tsubaki smiled and stood up. She wandered over to the bathroom and ran herself a bath. She locked the door, closed the window and closed the blinds as well to not get any peeping Blackstars.She redid her hair to stay up while she got undressed and then got in the bath. She relaxed for a while and thought about the trip ahead. She also thought about what she had packed and what else she needed

Chance Of A Life TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora