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In the middle of the night in a quiet little town in the U.S the best weapon and meister team were out on the prowl to collect ninety nine souls. They came so close before but managed to mess up right at the end.

Maka shook the thought out of her head before she shot her head up.

"Are you ready Soul?" She asked. Her partner, Soul, gave a quick grunt before transforming into the iconic red and black scythe. Maka grabbed the scythe and quickly lept into action.

"Lets go soul resonance. Devil slash." Both Soul and Maka yelled at the same time. With one swift move they cut the keshin in two before it realised what was going on. The blade of the scythe transformed into the top half of a person and picked up the glowing red soul.

"Thanks Maka." The scythe grinned. He ate the soul and went back to being fully human. With out disgussing anything they both started to walk back home. Maka stopped infront of a window and breathed on the glass

"24-24-564 the number to call to knock on deaths door." She muttered. She traced the numbers into the condensation on the window and it started ringing.

"Hey hey maka and soul. Hows soul collecting going?" Lord death asked in his cheery voice, almost sinigng.

"Hello lord death. Soul has just eaten his ninty ninth soul." She said cheerly. They had been through it all before.

"Good good. As you know summer is coming up so you dont have to go and collect the witches soul just yet. Relax for a while. Enjoy the sun."

"Thank you lord death. We will." Maka said before waving bye to him. She let out a long sigh. "Im glad its summer soon. Speaking of which. What are we going to do for summer?" She asked turning round to her partner.

"My dads giving me the van he uses to tour with as a late birthday gift so what about a road trip." Soul said. They then started walking back to there apartment.

"Thats a great idea soul. We can bring Tsubaki, blackstar, Kid, Liz and Patty. Maybe even Crona and Ragnarok." Maka said exitedly. Soul smiled at her childishness before they got back to the apartment. Maka opened the door and they both went into there seperate rooms before immediately falling asleep.

Maka was the first to wake up the next morning. She was the first to wake on most mornings unless she was ill. She took her hair out of the buns she normally sleeps in and kept her hair down. She walked out of her room and quietly went past Souls room. When she reached the kitchen she began making breakfast. It was nothing much, just some bacon and eggs. She put the plates down on the table before walking over to Souls room to wake him up. Soul had been awake for a while before Maka came in.

"Breakfasts ready." She said with a slight forced smile and her voice was still groggy and croaky. Soul nodded and maka left. He got up and went down to the kitchen and started eating with maka after saying grace. Maka left the kitchen to brush her teeth while soul washed the dishes. When she had finnished soul was outside. He was still in his P.Js and was still in hers. She went to her room and got changed into her white shirt, green tie, yellow vest shirt, a red and black pleated skirt and her black clunky shoes. She went out to the living room and did her hair in the mirror.

Soul walked into his room and had just caught a glimps of maka going to the living room before he was in his room. He picked up a random shirt off the floor, some black jeans, a leather jacket, a headband and some random shoes. He pushed the headband back and headed out to the living room.

"Let go then." He said. The clock had just gone past seven fithty when they left. Maka locked the door and they started walking to deaths weapon and meister academy or just the D.W.M.A. They climbed up the infamous stairs in record time and met up with Kid, Liz and Patty at the top. Kid or Death The Kid is the son of lord death and uses two M-9 pistols as his weapons. He is the only one in the school who can resonate with two people at the same time.

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