Chapter 3

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Maka woke with a start the next morning. She looked at all the claw marks in the tent before attempting to wake Soul up. She lightly poked him and rocked him side to side before he woke up.

"What's wrong Maka." He asked without even opening his eyes.

"Something came and tried to attack us during the night." She said quickly and quietly to not wake anyone else up. He opened his eyes slightly and looked at the sun light on the floor which appeared through the scratches.

"What could even do this and were in the middle of no where so if there was a wolf or something we would have seen it." He muttered. They stepped out of their tent into the large main tent to see that was slashed in places as well.

"At least we pack spares just in case." Maka said. Soul nodded to her and decided to go back to sleep as it was only seven in the morning. Maka went outside and sat on a near by rock to read a book. She had the book for a long time and knew it all off by heart but something about it just made her want to read it again. She carried the book everywhere and is used for a Maka chop. The cover does not show a title but she had labeled it herself.

"A death scythe and his meister." She called it. It was a couple hundred pages long and she wrote it herself not long after she became partners with soul. She made up a story of how Soul arrived in Death City and how she met him. It talked about some adventures they've had and some they were planning on having. It talked about blair, the souls incident, asura and medusa as well as other stuff like making soul into a death scythe and graduating from the D.W.M.A to get a job somewhere. She slowly started planning her life in the book but some were just out of the blue.

If she was ever sad or alone or away from home she would read the book and reflect on what she had done up to the point. She was constantly writing the book with no end in sight.

"Hey maka. Everyone else is now up. Were all going to get changed then hit the road again." Soul said after finding her on the rock outside the tent. Maka put the pen away and went inside to get changed. Soul was all ready changed and he waited in the fan while everyone else changed. She put on the same clothes as yesterday and packed her tent. She put her hair up into a clip and let some strands fall to the side of her face before jumping into the back of the van.

"Now Soul." Maka said with a slight giggle. Souls eyes whizzed round to catch a glimpse of Maka before smiling to himself. He took the hint and started the van. They were soon back on the road as if they didn't even stop. They had a laugh and everyone was relaxed. It was the first time after they had defeated the kishin, Asura, they felt properly safe from him madness and relaxed from school. They kept the doors open and maka grabbed where the back of the roof was. She flipped herself under it and landed on the roof. She stood up without a second thought and looked at the long road ahead.

"I wonder how papa is doing?" She caught herself thinking. She didn't even care about her farther back in death city so why now.

Back in death city a red haired dad have just gotten out of bed. Some new students would join today ready for the new year. He dozily got out of bed and changed into a suit with his cross tie. With his hands in his pockets he walked out of a house lord death put him in, close to the school, and walked to the D.W.M.A he went to the Death Room to find it not in the same calm atmosphere as it would normally be.

"Death? Is something wrong?" Spirit asked. Behind the mask death put on a fake smile to change the room before facing his weapon.

"The seven strongest children have gone on a road trip for a little while." Lord death said his voice even quivering a bit.

"What my Maka baby is on a road trip. What's going to happen to her?!" Spirit yelled, shaking the room if he could. He quickly received a reaper chop to the side of his head which sent him to the floor.

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