Chapter 6

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"Maka im sorry about anyhing that happened." Eruka continuously said to her.

"Weve said it enough time. You dont have to keep on apologising. Whats happened has happened. Say could you give us a lift home?" Maka asked. Eruka nodded and the weapons changed into there weapon form as three different tadpole jacksons appeared and to take them back to Death City.

"The main reason we did this was because free cared about you. I pretty sure he likes you." Tsubaki said with a smile before shifting into her weapon form. Eruka smiling a bit and looked down.

When she looked up not too long after that they were all gone. All that was left was free and herself.

"Im glad to have you back." Free said with a smile as he places his hand on her head. Her eyes went wide but they soon returned back to normal.

"I... I love you free." She muttered. She stepped away slightly as his hand dropped off her head.

"What did you say!" He yelled to her. She cowered back slightly in fear but looked into his eyes and repeated herself.

After a long trip everyone was back at the D.W.M.A Maka ignored the obvious difference with soul until she got into the death room.

"Good evening lord death." She said with a forced happiness. Soul walked in along side her to see lord death.

"Congratulations soul on becoming a death weapon." He said not moving from his place in front of the mirror.

"Maka darling!" Spirit yelled from the end of the hall. He ran in and picked her up into a hug. Maka hugged him back and feeling her warmth for once tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Papa dont cry. Im back now." She said in a calm voice followed by a soft smile. Spirit soon put her down and wiped the tears away.

"Im sorry. Your just so much like your mother." He muttered as he put her down. Lord death coughed and he stood up straight next to professor stine to hear what he had to say.

"Maka as you have come so far with soul in such a short time you will remain as soul's meister and partner. Also as spirit is still working here but i will have you as the next death weapon. Now you guys can still reside in death city or you can go to work on a continent like asuka or marie." Lord death said. The new death weapon and meister pair looked at each other and with out speaking came up with a decision.

"We chose to stay in death city. Our home." Maka said

Now thats how mr evans and miss albarn went from having a holiday to becoming the next death weapon and meister.

She closed the slick black book and placed the pen to the side. She stretched before walking to her bed and sliding in. Blair jumped on top of her and curled up on her side. Not long after she was out like a light.

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