Chapter 1

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Today was the first day that I was going to meet my dance partner for Dancing with the Stars. I hope that he pushes me enough.

Knowing myself, I hoped that he was the type of guy that would be nice and mean. Since I'm a perfectionest, I have to know if I'm doing well or not.

"Go in Honey, I gotta take this."My mom said.

I walked out of the car with my bag, and my phone in my hand. I walked to the studio door and frozed right in front of it.

I fixed my hair and took a large sigh. And walked into the studio. I walked to the hall looking for 'Room A'.

I slowly opened the door to reveal a hunky man. He was sitting on a chair on his phone. "Hey!" My voice was shaking.

"Hi!" He had a slight deep voice and a big smile on his face. "Zendaya, nice to meet you." My voice went back to normal.

I put my hands up for a hug, while he lifted his hand to shake. "Hug it out?" We both said. I leaned in for the hug, being held in his big biceps.

He was warm, and smelled amazing. Now I'm starting to sound like a creeper. I let out from the hug, that could last forever. 

"You're very beautiful. How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." "Sixteen?.." He stood there dumbfounded. He moved his hand toward his mouth, making it look like he was eattin back his words.

"I take that back." I smile at him. He flush of light pink came upon his cheeks. "So, I guess I'm the youngest." "Ever.""Ever." That statement was the one that made me nervous. Now, this made me want to win it all. Nothing can bring me down now. 

The door openning had broken my train of thought. "Hello, I'm Claire. You must be Val." My Mom came closer to shake his hand. 

I sat agaisnst the mirror and looked at them both. They both had a smile on their. It took me a while to read their lips. It had something to do with me and him. I'm guessing that she was telling him to not touch anything lower than my waist. Yup, that's my mother for you. 

They had finally stopped their converstion and she stepped out of the room with eveything that she had. "What was that about?" I lifted my eyebrow and looked at Val.

"She had to go somewhere. She said that I had to take care of you." My heart fluttered when he said that he was going to take care of me.

Now I'm starting to sound like fangirl. I barely now this guy, and I'm already drooling over him. 

"Tell me about yourself Zendaya." I nobbed. "Well, My full name is Zendaya Maree Stroermer Coleman. I has born on October First, nineteen ninety-six. I play Rocky Blue in Disney Channel's Shake It Up. I have a best friend named Bella Throne. I am a hip-hop dancer. My phone is my everything. I have four brothers and sisters. I like the colors pink and purple." 

I stopped to take a breath. I looked up to see him looking at me. "Well take a long summary." He joked. I rolled my eyes at him trying to be funny.  

"I need your number." I broke the comfortable silence. I fully regret saying that after. "For what?" He asked. "If I'm late to one of the rehearsals, how am I supposed to contact you?" 

He rolled his eyes at my statement. He knew that I was right. "Whatever." I handed him my phone so he can put in his number. 

Once he gave it back, we got to know eachother even more. And trust me, he told me alot.

The WayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora