Chapter 6

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Hey guys. I’m oh so sorry for not updating; I guess I have forgotten about this story. But don’t worry I’m back now. I have been working on other stories that I had stuck in my head. But now I’m updating, and it’s all good in the hood. Enjoy this chapter.


Zendaya ate the remaining crumbs and brushed her teeth. She was excited for this event. She didn’t know why, but she had guessed that since she was going with Val, she was excited to go even more now.

“Not the hair, you can’t put it in a ponytail.” Her hair stylist almost shouted. “How am I going to brush my teeth without hair popping in front of my face?” Zendaya asked popping out of the bathroom with her toothbrush in her hand. “Just do that. I’ll fix it when you’re done.” Her hair stylist said. “She’s always like this?” Val asked the stylist. “No.” Zendaya said from the bathroom. “When it comes to things like this, Always.” “That’s a lie.” Zendaya yelled from her bathroom. “Are you done yet?” “No.” She mumbled.

Zendaya grabbed her towel and walked back into her room, sitting onto the hair chair again. “We spent hours doing this, now we have to redo it.” “I’m sorry though.” She whispered.


“Are you done?” Zendaya asked. It had taken them at least forty minutes to make sure that the hair looks perfect. “Yes.” Her hair stylist said setting the hair curler on top of the table. “Finally.” Zendaya said getting up and looking at Val, “I’m sorry for taking so long. It always happens when I have to go somewhere important.” “No, it’s okay. I get it.” Val stood up and walked out of the room after Zendaya. She put on her glasses and clutched onto her purse. “The limos here.” She squealed. Among all the times she had rode on a limo; it always felt like it was the first time.

Once they had gotten to the award show, Val heard screaming. They all sounded like preteens, and that brought out a smile on his face. Val got out of fantasy land and noticed that Zendaya was already out of the limo. “Zendaya!” Was all that Val can hear from the crowd. “Come on Val!” He felt a slight tuck on his right arm, and followed along knowing that it was Zendaya. “Zendaya!” He heard the paparazzi shout at Zendaya. He separated to take some pictures alone. Then with Zendaya.

When they walked in, it was beautiful. He had never been in a place has big as this one. Val looked through sits to notice that his sit was next Zendaya. He was surprised to see it. He thought that they would be separated. Then when it hit him that she had something to do with this. “Come on!” He heard Zendaya say to him.

As the award continues, he can feel Zendaya’s hand next him. He didn’t know what she was doing until he felt her finger touch his. Zendaya intertwined her fingers with Val. She can feel her whole body just melt with that one touch. And she loved it, let me tell you that. They stayed that way until it was over.

It was pitch black outside. Zendaya wanted to hold Val’s hand but she knew that if a paparazzi toke a picture of them, they can clearly attentify them holding hands.

“Thanks for coming with me.” Zendaya said. “No problem.” Zendaya was about to step out of the limo when Val spoke. “See at practice.” Val said. “See you.” Zendaya blushed and walked to the door; she looked back, and walked inside her house. She walked up to her room and changed into a Tupac shirt and a chachi momma’s sweat pants. She tucked out the pockets take had the image of money bills all over.

She walked into the living and saw her mom in the living room watching TV. “Mom, can you take me to practice?” “It’s pretty late. Are you sure?” Her Mom questioned, she wasn’t sure if she should take her that late. “Mom, I promised Val that I’ll go after the awards. Plus, we need the practice. We can’t beat ass without practicing at all.”

“That’s right. Let’s go.” Claire grabbed the car keys and her phone, and walked to the car with Zendaya behind her. She didn’t think that it was okay to take her daughter to practice that late. Zendaya will probably fall asleep on the floor.

When she got to the studio she walked inside with Val. “Val? Can I speak with you?” Claire asked when she entered the room. “Sure.” Val put his phone on the table and walked to her. “Val, I trust you. Can Zendaya stay at your house? She’ll probably fall asleep here, and I don’t want her to wake her up and go on a long ride.” Val was taken back from her question. He never thought that the day had come. “Yes, Mrs. Coleman. I could let your daughter stay at my house. She’ll be safe, I promise you.” “Good. Have a goodnight Valentin.” Claire said walking out of the studio.

Val turned around with his mouth hanging. He was still shock from it. “What happen?” Zendaya asked as she got up from stretching. “You’re staying at my place tonight.” Zendaya was shocked, but happy at the same time. She had been dying to go to his house. Plus, she was excited to spend the night with the sexy chmerkovskiy brother. “Let’s get to work.”


After the practice, Val walked with Zendaya to his car. He was too excited about this whole situation. He opened the door for Zendaya and walked back to the driver’s side. When they got to his place he can smell pizza. He was guessing Maks was having a dinner night with Anna again. Ever since Anna got divorced to her husband, she has been coming over ever Saturday to have a movie night. He has wanted to have one of those with Val. “Hey Maks!” Val shouted, letting Zendaya walk in front of him. “Brother, how were the awards with the beauty called Zendaya?” Maks shout his mouth while Zendaya stood there blushing. “It was good.” Val shrugged. He knew that he was lying. Anything that was to do with Zendaya is amazing.

“What are you doing here shorty?” Maks asked. “I’m staying the night.” Zendaya answered.

That made Maks’ mouth hang open. He didn’t know that she could ever stay over. How did Kazembe let that happen? But he didn’t mind anything. “Maks, it’s taking forever.” Anna complained from the living room. “Anna, we have guest.”

Anna decided to make an appearance in the kitchen. Then she saw a tall light skin girl that had legs for days. She took that Val when to the studio to practice, not to the club. She thought that Val had finished bringing girls home after the Kelly situation. That was until the tall girl turned around; she noticed that it was Zendaya. The beautiful girl that Val was speaking of.


After the movie had finished Maks and Anna went to sleep leaving Val and Zendaya alone. “Val?” Zendaya asked turning to face him. He nodded for her to continue. “I know this seems a little off but, I may or may not like you. What am I kidding’, I really like you. You just seem so different from the others. If it wasn’t for my age I’ll be straddling you right now. But, I hope my feelings wouldn’t change our chemistry on the dance floor. I just--.” That was win Val decided to cut Zendaya off. He pressed his lips on the minor’s soft lips. He knew that it was wrong, but it felt so right at the moment. And Zendaya having the same feelings towards him made him feel like he was infinite.

He let go of Zendaya and looked her straight in the eyes. Her eyes filled with love. “Zendaya, I know that this is wrong. But I can’t help feel this towards you. I’m willing to risk anything for you. Will you be my girlfriend?” Val asked. “Yes.” Zendaya started to nod like a madman. She couldn’t believe it. Right now, she felt infinite.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2013 ⏰

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