Chapter 5

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"Anna... She's just perfect." Val said, holding onto the dark red pillow. The girl was stuck on his mind. Whatever he did had something to do with Zendaya. He had fallen, and fallen hard. "She's only sixteen Val." Anna insisted. “Anna, I know that. I’m just taken back by her beauty. She is mature upon her years. She can take the world by storm anything time that she’ll like. I have fallen for her, and there’s nothing I can do about this.” He shrugged and slugged on the couch. “What do you think that she feels about you?”  Anna said, taking a full hand-full of chips in her mouth.

“Like you said Anna, She’s only sixteen. She probably never been in love or felt anything before.”  “I’m going to need you to talk to her about your feelings. You won’t get over her until you discuss your feelings. Who knows, you might even find something out.” “Thanks.” Val grabbed his keys and left the red heads house. He knew exactly what he was going to say to her.

It was early in the morning. Val had an incoming call. He groaned and checked his phone.

“Zendaya.. How come you’re up so early?”

“Val.. I know we have practice today and everything… But can you please please please please come with me to the Kid’s Choice Awards today? Right after it, I’ll change and head to the studio. Please say yes. “

“Yeah, sure. Do I pick you pick or something?”

“Yeah, that’ll be nice. Wear something black, black matches with everything. Oh pick me up by like two in the afternoon. Yeah, I believe I have enough time to get dressed.”

“Okay, I’ll see you then.”


With that she hung up. Val has never been this excited for anything. “YO MAKS!” Val yelled into Maks room. “What.” Maks moaned into his pillow. You have any black pants or something.” Val opened the door fully and sat on the bed. “Why?” He turned his head on the opposite of Val. “Zendaya invited to go with her to the Kid’s Choice Awards today and I was wondering if you have black plants. All of mine are dirty as hell.”

“In the closet.” Maks lazily pointed at his closet that was half open. “Thanks Bro.” Val looked around the messy room in look of what he needed. “Shirts… Shorts…. Capris… Pants... Perfect.” Val pulled out the pair of black pants and looked at them. They were the perfect size and length. “Aren’t these mine?” Val asked

“Get out.” Maks throw a pillow at his younger brother, hoping that he’ll leave. “Fine.” Val murmured. Mocking Maks’ face. He slammed the door behind him and walked to his room. She looked through his closet looking for something to wear.

He wanted to match with Zendaya.’ Maybe, Dark blue?’ He thought to himself, as he pulled out a nice jacket. He along pulled a long sleeved white button up shirt to go with it. He laid it out on his bed and looked at it.

Val took a quick shower and put on his outfit. He admired himself on his mirror; he looked at his feet and noticed that he needed shoes. ‘I’m an idiot.’


“Zendaya, what do you think of this?” Her stylist asked. He pulled out a nice dress. “It’ll be cute with a sweater on top.” “I like your style kid.” He snapped his fingers and looked through Zendaya’s closet. He pulled out a nice whitest colored sweater.

“Perfect.” He whispered to himself. “I like it.” Zendaya said. “Zendaya, don’t move.” Her hair stylist said. “I’m sorry.” She said trying to keep her head still for at least for than two minutes. She can’t help it. When people talk to her, she has to look at that person.  “Done.” The stylist told her. “Now you can move.” She said. Zendaya got up from her chair and sat on her bed. Looking at her stylist’s back. He was going through her heels. He wanted something perfect.

”Put this on.” He said giving her the outfit of the day. Zendaya walked into her bathroom to change. Her make-up looked amazing and so did her hair. After she put it on she walked out. “What do you think?” Zendaya asked. She fixed her skirt and looked up.  “Perfect.” Her stylist clapped. “Zendaya, you have a visitor.” Her mother, Claire, announced once she opened the door. Zendaya turned her attention on the door and saw Val. He was wearing a nice white button up shirt with a blue jacket, paired with the black pants that Zendaya told him to wear. 

“Hey!” Zendaya waved at him. She looked at what was in his hand and saw a bag of McDonald’s. “You shouldn’t have.” She smiled at him. “Then I’ll eat it.” He jokily hide the bag behind his back and looked at her. “No no. I want it.” Zendaya smiled. Val reached the bag to Zendaya and sat next to her. “You look great.” He exclaimed. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” Zendaya said back to him. “When are we leaving?” Val asked

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