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Five years later

SMALL FEET TUMBLE INTO the kitchen. I sigh, trying my best to contain my emotions, before turning around to my children. All three of them. At the front, is their eldest sister, little five-year-old Clove, her fathers princess, and behind her stand my two sons. Elias on three, and little Adam who's almost turned one.

"Mummy," Adam wails, as he paddles toward me on his bare feet. "Up, up!" he demands. I smile down at my son, before picking him up. I kiss him on the cheek, causing him to smile at me, his dimples showing through those chubby cheeks of his.

"Mama," Clove calls, walking up to me, her head held high. Her green eyes pierce through mine, and I incline my head at her.

"Yes, dove?"

"Elias won't leave me alone, and I'm trying to play with the others but he keeps interfering," she says in a strong voice, not bowing down, despite her brother pulling her arm in an attempt to silence her. I shake my head, seeing my own brother and I in my son and daughter.

"Interfering?" I hear a male voice ask from the french doors that lead out onto the garden. A small get-together is currently playing out; Elijah was promoted from Enforcer to Consigliere and that calls for a party, according to Cain. So now my entire house is filled with a bunch of mafia dorks, all of them downing the food I prepared for them. "Who taught my favourite little doll that adult word?"

I watch my children's faces light up at the sight of Aaron and his golden retriever, Lilo. Even little Adam in my grip wriggles his way down to the floor, and tumbles toward their godfather and his dog, which has a habit of pooping inside. "Aaron!" Clove and Elias yell in unison, both running toward him.

He crouches with a huge smile on his face, opening his arms for them to jump right in. He carries all three children in his arms, making robot noises as he turns them in his arms, mechanic-like. Small laughs echo in the kitchen, and I lean against the counter, watching my children and my best friend.

Aaron puts them down back on the marble floors, and hands them all a 50 dollar bill. I shake my head, knowing I'll have to fight to get them back now. Aaron always has something up his sleeve to make my life already harder than it is. He then puts a finger in front of his lips in a "shhh" motion, as if I haven't just seen their drug-deal live with my own eyes. Clove and Adam seem to understand what will happen if they stay, and together they leave the kitchen and walk out of the french doors, into the garden.

Elias stays with Aaron though, and I watch their interaction. With Elijah being the consigliere now, it means my son will be the heir, since Cain's own son will be the capo. With the changes of Elijah's job, there'll need to be changes in Elias' life too.

"Can I pway with you pew-pew?" Elias asks Aaron. My heart drops to my stomach. Aaron doesn't fret, though.

Instead he ruffles Elias' beach-curls into a mess, and smiles. "Not yet, little man. Your mother will kill me, before I manage to make one of you myself," he says in a playful manner. But when Aaron's blue eyes meet mine, a deal is made between us. When the time comes, he'll help Elias adjust to his new reality.

I can almost see my son deflate. "Unfwair," he mutters, stomping out toward the garden where all the other kids are as well. Aaron gets up from the floor, and walks toward me.

"Don't look so worried, love. They'll all be fine," he assures, as if he can read my mind. I nod my head, still not being convinced. He smiles knowingly, granting me one of his famous forehead kisses. "You and my wife seem to share the same facial expression," he drawls.

"How's married life for you?" I tease, knowing Aaron hasn't had it easy, with his father-in-law basically dictating his entire life since he was 20. He gives me a look, before turning on his heel, and flipping me off, on his way to greet his colleagues who are all standing in my garden. "Say hi to Tilly from me!" I yell after him, earning a look that probably scares certain people for the wrong reasons. I shake my head, and turn back toward the mess in my kitchen.

A pair of arms wrap around me, and I smile, leaning back into the touch my body has grown to recognise alone by touch, over the years. "Hi husband," I say.

He plants a kiss on my collarbone. "Hi wife," he replies. I turn around, and plant my arms around his neck, pulling him his mouth down onto mine. Elijah lifts me onto the counter, and out of instinct I wrap my legs around his torso, pulling him closer to me. The kiss grows hungrier, and becomes more messy.

His hands seem to know just where they need to be, and just as he's about to unclasp my bra beneath my blouse, we hear the sound of our creations; "Eeeeeewwww! They're kissing!" our children exclaim.

Elijah pulls back from my mouth, smiling as he softly shakes his head against my forehead. I giggle, and look at him through my eyelashes.

"You're the one who wanted them," I remind him, and he closes his eyes, nodding his head.

"Don't remind me," he sighs, before lifting his head, pulling me flush against his chest. A laugh escapes, when I feel his bulge rubbing against my inner thigh. I catch a glimpse of our three kids all standing in a line, watching and pointing as their father ravages their mother. "You guys 'wanna see more 'ew'?" he eggs them on. Our children shake their heads, but Elijah doesn't stop; he grabs my jaw in his hand, and plants kisses all over my face, making mmm noises.

Our kids scream and giggle, watching their parents share affection. I even hear Adam go blehhhh at a point, causing me to laugh against my husband's kisses. They all run out of the kitchen as if they're in despair, causing my laugh to deepen.

"You're such a cunt," I inform him, planting my hands on his hardened chest.

He grins down at me. "Just a nicer one to you," he replies, planting a kiss on my mouth. I deepen the kiss, pulling him closer to me. "What do you say we call it for the night, and move to the bedroom?" he says gruffly into my ear. "Y'know, to make more of those devils we already have?"

A huff leaves my lips, as his hard-on rubs against my core. "I say that's the best idea you've had since I met you."


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