Chapter Five

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That moment when we stood inches away from each others faces was.. it was magical. I know it sounds corny... But when he breathed his breath had a minty sweet smell, it sent chills down my spine. I think.. I think I love him. We stood there for what felt like an eternity, and our lips like magnets crashed together. It was like fireworks went off in my heart. I had never felt this way for a guy ever, when I was with my last boyfriend when he kissed me it was like kissing you mommy goodnight...

He lead my to the table and pulled out the chair motioning me to sit, I did and he sat down as well. I had my hand resting on the table and he had his on mine. We ate dinner and then we lied on the ground talking about our lives... when it was about 12:00 he and I got back in his truck. He smiled at me and drove toward the highway. As we pulled up into the driveway of my house he got out and let me out of the passenger seat. he walked me up to the door and I asked him to come in. He and I entered my house, I saw Lilly and Michael passed out on the couch. We walked up to my room and he asked "Why did you want me to come in?" "I didn't want to see you go" he smiled and I grabbed some sweat pants and a T-shirt and went to the washroom. I came back in my room finding it empty.. I frowned turned around to see Chase standing behind me "You look beautiful" he said I smiled and pulled him into my room and closed the door..

I went to my bed to lie down and I looked at Chase awkwardly standing in the middle of my floor. I laughed a little said "Come to me love" he smiled and cuddled with me. I felt him kiss my cheek. I fell asleep in his arms again. I loved this boy with all of my heart. I woke up the next morning and I found that Chase was still in bed with me cuddling with me. I smiled and silently and carefully got up and went down stairs to get some coffee. I walked back up stairs with my coffee. When I got to my door way I smiled seeing that the sleeping bear hadn't woken up yet.. or so I thought I sat on the edge of my bed setting the coffee down on my night stand. As I set it down, I felt a pair of hands grab my waist and pull me down to cuddle again. "Good morning love!" I said sweetly. "good morning babe" he said in his have asleep voice, I'll admit, his sleepy voice was sexy. "You have a very sexy sleepy voice!" I said excitedly.

Chase just smiled and he kissed my jawline and moved to my neck leaving wet kissed. Then he got to a soft spot and I let out a soft moan. "Oh you have soft spots?!?" he asked excitedly. "I guess so" I answered truthfully. And just when I though things couldn't get much better, Sarah and Lilly Walk in looking at there phones, "Heey do you want to go to the beach with us and the guys today?" When they looked up they were kind of confused. I smiled "yeah that's fine" I said softly. then they walked out of the room. Chase was sound asleep again.. So I laid with him in his arms and fell asleep again too.

I woke up from the movement of Chase getting up to use the rest room. When he came back Sarah was talking to him in the hall and he introduced himself as my boyfriend and Sarah was al girly about it screaming and shit... They finished their conversation and Chase not realizing I was awake sat on the edge of my bed. I sat up silently trying not to let him know I was awake. I jump on his back and wrap my arms around hid neck, then I kissed his cheek. He smile and turned around noticing that I had a bit of a cold. "My Darling?" he started "Are you getting a cold?" "I think so.." Okay no beach fro you, you will stay in bed today. "And if I don't want to?" I ask playfully "then I will go home" he said. I stood up and walked in front of him and sat on his lap. "You wouldn't leave a sick girl to fend for herself would you?" I asked, again being playful. "Watch me" he said. "Don't worry hun, I didn't really want to get out of bed and get dressed for the beach anyway.." he smiled "Well then I won't leave"

He took off work and informed Sarah and Lilly that I was sick and asked them to direct him to the kitchen so he could make me some breakfast. They showed him the Kitchen and he made me scrambled eggs with bacon, toast and some apple juice. As he walked up my food to me Sarah and Lilly had Said bye to him, and asking him to lock the door and make sure I feel better.

"You didn't have to do all this for me babe" I said and he smiled "but I wanted to" I didn't want to argue so I just said "Thank you love" he leaned in to kiss me and I put my hand over my lips. "I don't want you getting sick too babe" I say innocently. "I don't care if I get sick let me kiss my Baby" he said in a demanding voice. I removed my hand from my face and he leaned in again this time touching lips. I had the same feeling that I had the first time we kissed. "I love-" I stopped I didn't want to rush things.. "What do you love baby?" I didn't answer so he said "I love you too sweetheart" For once in my life I actually loved another guy, besides my big brother.

So I'm still kind of new to this... What do you guys think? Comment below and tell me what I should add in my sixth chapter..

Love ya!

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