Good Day Gone Bad

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A/n two updates in one day aren't you guys lucky :P, do you guys like the songs at the beginning if so I will do them to match the chapters this is on here cause I love this song xD)
Tris P.O.V
Christina and I walk to go find Marlene, talking small talk, until we hit a much larger topic.

"So your getting married?!" Christina says trying to contain her excitement

"Yes" I say, still trying to get a grip on myself, I can't belive he asked me to marry him.

"Do you know what colors you want, flowers, the dress, the date, oh yeah defiantly the date" she says it so fast I barely registered it.

"Whoa there he just proposed to me a few hours ago, chill" I say.

"I know I'm sorry I'm just excited, what type of Make up to wear..."



"It's fine" I laugh. We keep walking to the pit, decided to take the long way there.

"So.." I Say


"How's you and Will?" And with that I wink. God I'm turning into Christina.

"What do you mean..." her face goes red.

"You know what I mean" I wiggle my eye brows.

"You mean sex life?"

I did not think she was gonna straight fowardly say that.

"I don't know, just how's your relationship going?"

"Great, wish we were getting married though, like you and Four" with that I giggle.

"Tris are you drunk?"

"No, just happy" and with that we walk around the corner, and I see him, pressed against the wall, kissing another girl. I gasp and...

Hahaha sorry here you guys go, it's another filler I know but it's better then nothing.
"Be Brave" Fourtrismended

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