The Unwanted Mystery

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                                                                        --Tris P.O.V --

        The murderous scream continues for which feels like hours but has probly has only showed its apperance for a couple of seconds. After it ends i glance nervously at Tobias who is still standing in his tense stance. "Tobias" I counter. "What do you think he ment by that?". "I don't know" he replies quietly. Quiet is dangerous when it crosses Tobias. "Well shouldn't we find out were that scream came from I demand!" "I don't think thats a good idea Tris, you should stay here and ill go look okay?" "No!" I yell "why can't i come?" "I just don't want you to get hurt okay? I just got you back and I can't live with out you Tris I just cant and I would never be able to live with myself if..if" he stammers not able to finnish what he has to say as his dreamy stunning eyes turn glassy. I never though I would see Tobias cry. It hurts me to see him this way but he can't need me and i can't need him but I dont understand why I im lieing to myself cause I do need him. " Tobias, I know you don't want me to get hurt but I want to be part of this, I cant let you do this alone, I will be by your side the whole time okay?" And as soon as those words leave my mouth he fits his mouth to mine.

                                                                        -- Tobias P.O.V --

         As soon as those words leave her mouth I gently fit my mouth to hers. I reach for her face with my hand laying it on her cheek to slow the kiss down as I slide my other free hand into her hair then I let it slid down her arm, into the bend in her waist, and then finnaly finding its place to secure on her hip. I feel her hand tracing my spine and every were im marked then up my neck into my short hair. Tris the secures her fingers on to my belt looks pulling me closer. When the time comes that we break apart we just stare into each others eyes; her eyes are a light blueish color that looks like they glow in the unsetteled lighting. "Okay" I finnaly respond. "I love you, you know" " I know she responds. I smile at her untill some thing raps it's hands around my arms.

 Hello again fellow felines i have now just published part 5 of be brave oviously and i know i ended it in a cliff hanger like all of my chapters but this one is will alow me to question you guys yay so what or who do you think raped there hands around tobias's arms and you'll will be very surprised on who it is haha so i need some help on new charcters so if you would like one of your characters to be a place in my story you will have to awnser these following questions xD.

What is the name of your character?

Is it a boy or girl?

How old is your character?

What color hair does he?she have?

What color eyes does he/she have?

What faction did they come from or what is there job?

What is there role in the story?

        So that is the questions i will only be useing the top ten characters so make em fast xD.                                                                                                                                                         PEACEOUT FELINES IT'S HUNTERTHECAT

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