The Search Party

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                                                                        --Tobias P.O.V.--

         As soon as i feel something clutch at my arms I swing my body around in one swift motion staring right into the eyes of my oposer, and my oposer is Uriah? "Uriah!?" I ask. "Halllllllooooo Four" he replies with a stupid grin on his face,Ugh he really takes after his brother. "Wha....What the hell were you thinking?"i say clearly irriatated. "what are you talking about I came to come get you and Trissy Poo so I could ask you if you wanted to join our search party for the investigation of that scream." God how can he be so giddy when some one might be in big trouble. "Don't you Dare call me Trissy Poo" Tris murmers. I laugh at the coment and Tris's expresion. I look at Uriah but speak to Tris. "Im assuming you want to go am i correct Tris?"  ''i would" she replies flatly. "Okay Uriah we'll join and oh yeah do u know were Zeke is i need to talk to him?" " you having girl problems or something cause if thats the case I dont know why your going to him im obviously your best bet." "No Uriah" I role my eyes and add "I just need to talk to him anyways me?, what about you" I say pointing at his chest " shouldn't you be flirting with Marlene?" I smirk "Marlene what are you talking about?"he replies heat rushing into his cheeks "Oh don't play stupid we all know how you act around her and you know it" I grin as his face grows reder and reder by the second as he responds with "whatttt, I think you have mistaken me for my brother." "Oh dont even try that Zeke tries to make out with any girl as much as humanly possible exspecialy Shauna." Tris laughs a light soft laugh as Uriahs face surprisingly gets reder then before. "Okay, okay be nice Four he has the right to like who he likes" Tris smirks "I don't like Marlene!" Uriah states. "Yes you do" Christina says in a sing song voice appearing around the corner of the hallway. When see see's Tris she squeals and hugs her with all her might.

                                                                --Tris P.O.V.--

        I wince as Christina squeezes the air out of me when she goes to hug me. "Ow" I say breathless "your squ.. squeezing me to hard" "sorry" she says. I hide my hands behind my back so she can't see the ring I think we all know how she would act if she knew so lets not shall we, But as i do this her eyes follow my hands intentivly and then she brings them to my own "your hiding something behind your back arn't you?" "no im not" I say as steadily as i can. ''your lying i can tell remember I was candor wasnt I?, I can tell by your body funtions, if it makes u feel any better Will's is pressing his lips together, so back to the point what are u hiding Tris and dont say its nothing because I know it's something'' I steal a glance at Tobias and give him the 'help me' look and he just chuckles and gives me a slight nod informing that it's ok to tell Christina. I land my eyes on Chris's once again and pull my hand away from my back and put them into my pockets, all except the one with the ring. Christina looks at me with confusion and then she releases a long high pitched squeal which I swear defened me."YOU GETING MARRIED" she continues to squeal with excitement. Yep exactly what i thought was going to happen. "yes I am" I replie to the grinning Christina with a smile that reaches my eyes." Tobias smiles a small shy smile and says" well maby you should have a girls night with you'' Tobias points at Christina ''and Marlene and every other girl your friends with" he alows a small chuckle and then continues" because i have to go talk to the boys about some things.." he says turning a light shade almost not noticable, but its noticable to me because I make sure I reconize any sign of emotion and feature that he amits. Maby its love that makes me realize the little things, and I love him with all my might and then I realize that im gonna be 

Tris Prior


Tris Eaton


Tris Eaton 

I like the ring to it

Hello fellow steeds I am very sorry for not updating in a long time and I promise I will start updating again around one once a week and maby to if I get enough reviews. I NEED CHARACTERS and I need some ideas on were im gonna go with this story. If you have read my previous chapter then you would see at the end there was a series of questions for you my steeds to fill out to have your very own charachter in my story. Oh and have any of you seen the Insurgent trailer yet if so tell me what you thinked of it and I cant wait for the second one to be realesed on the pre-game for the Superbowl xD tell me if you excited as well. Well thats it for tonight my steeds and if I get 5 views tonight I will make chapter seven tomorrow now what about that! Well good bye Steeds and remember

                                                                                                                                PEACEOUT RIDING_THE_NIGHT

BE BRAVEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora