30) The Birthday (S3)

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Season 3 - Episode 1

Stefan and Klaus had been 'missing' for two months.

Life had been strange at first. Bonnie pissed off many dead witches in order to bring Jeremy back from the dead, Liz accepted that Caroline was a vampire, Damon had been given the only cure for a werewolf bite - Klaus' blood - and Elena kissed him, and Mikayla and Tyler had barely spoken a word to each other since the breakup.

Mikayla had begun to fall back into old habits. Even now, as she worked her ass off during a busy shift, she was slightly buzzed.

"You're coming to Elena's birthday gig, right?" Matt asked her.

Mikayla smiled lazily. "Totes. Wouldn't miss it. Seven, right?"

He nodded. "At the Salvatore house."

"Great. I plan to start the drinking early so expect me at six thirty."

"You know, you've been doing a lot of that lately."

She didn't say anything. He continued to stare at her and she finally scoffed, smirking.

"What are you, my mom?" She mocked.

Matt chuckled and shrugged. "Just a concerned friend."

"I'm fine. I'm just... I'm feeling the party spirit lately."

"You're gonna need a chaperone tonight, aren't you?"


"Are you sure about that?"

"Only send in the squad if I start thinking I can fly and try jumping from a balcony. That's when it's code red."

"You say that so casually it scares me."

She wiggled her brows as a smirk graced her features. "Good."

However, the look was quickly wiped from her face when she noticed the Grill door open and Tyler and Caroline walk in.

"Code red." She said.

Matt followed her gaze with a confused look until he noticed what she had. He paled.

As if sharing the same thought, the two then rushed to the storage room in the back where Jeremy was stacking the new glasses. He was the most recent hire.

"We need you and Marc to switch sections with us." Mikayla said right away.

"Why?" He questioned.

"Caroline and Tyler just sat in ours." Matt explained, already making the change on the staff clipboard.


"So, we don't don't feel like waiting on our exes."

"Who now look like the best of friends." Mikayla added bitterly.


Elena's 18th birthday party was family, friends, and cake - simple, sweet, and destined to make memories.

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