39) A Whole New World

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Season 3 - Episode 12

After compelling a drunk passerby to attack Mikayla Marshall, Klaus had intended to finally remove the conflict she was making him feel by forcing her to trigger her curse.

After that, he would make her a hybrid and she would have no choice but to do as he wanted.

But he hadn't expected to hear her story, to hear how she had grown up with a perfect life only to have it all crumble down over something so trivial as one argument.

She had fought for her life more times in one year than most others did over the course of an entire generation. Despite having nothing, she still found a tiny shred of something to keep her going. It made him falter for the first time in centuries, to actually consider his actions before enacting them. For the first time, he was willing to wait for someone's permission before turning them. After all, Mikayla had fought for her life yet again and she had won. She deserved to live because of that alone, to see the genuine beauty that other places had in store for her.

Klaus had started to see her in a new light. She wasn't just a girl who tried to kill him, she was an individual he now understood. And, even though he found it completely out of character for someone like him, he was willing to help her with her life as a werewolf. Especially since the full moon was the next night, giving her barely a day to cope with everything.

Mikayla had all but screamed at him as she barged into his new residence that morning, throwing open the door with such strength that it dented the wall and threatened to fly off of the hinges.

"Careful, love." Was all he said, not even the least bit concerned. "That's a new door."

"I don't give a damn about your new door." She snapped. "What did you do last night?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Don't-" She warned, pointing a finger at him. "I'm hungover, I took an hour trying to get blood out of my hair, and I've spent the last two hours trying to find your new hideaway. Don't play dumb with me or I swear to God I'll find out the truth the hard way."

That someone would dare threaten him made the hybrid all the more fascinated as he slowly got to his feet and observed her.

"Well?!" She yelled.

"Calm yourself." Was all he said in a casual manner. "Let's have a proper chat."

"I don't want a chat, I want answers!" Her voice cracked as her tone became more urgent. "Please."

"Very well." He replied. "I believed it high time you stop being afraid of becoming who you are meant to be."

"So you did plan it." She deduced.

He shrugged innocently. "Guilty."

"You bast-" She turned away before she let out a truly unholy string of insults. "I'm a murderer because of you."

"You needed to embrace your nature." He stated. "Only by confronting the monster can you overcome the fear."

"How could you? I ran from this for a reason!"

"You have more fight in you than anyone I have ever known, Mikayla. The fire you possess, that refusal to yield and the passion to keep fighting. I would say your determination inspires even me. Celebrate the fact that you are no longer bound by trivial conventions. You're free."

She scoffed, turning away as a wave of annoyance washed over her. "I hate this, Klaus! Every... Everything hurts! My skin is on fire! A-And I have this urge to just-"

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