33) Smells Like Teen Spirit

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Season 3 - Episode 6

Prank night hadn't ended on a particularly bad note considering the usual shenanigans of Mystic Falls.

Klaus had taken Elena's blood and given it to Tyler while he transitioned. Apparently that was the key to beginning a line of non-original hybrids. Tyler seemed completely fine - even grateful - after the change. Everyone was just happy he was alive.

And Elena wasn't dead. Klaus had pulled Stefan away at the last second so he could take her somewhere where they'd store her blood. Stefan vanished after biting her but everyone had their suspicions that he was hiding away somewhere in the town.

Yet the strangest part? Mikayla had gotten a personal goodbye from Klaus.

She tried to see him as a villain for all he'd done that night, and she definitely did hate what he did to Tyler, but her very first impression still remained. Her only comfort was that she didn't expect to see him ever again now that he knew how to make hybrids.

She spent all night hauled up in her apartment.

She wrote a short story in her book.

It was nothing special, the moral being about expecting the unexpected.

She fell into an uneasy sleep.

The next morning came.

Mikayla, Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline stood side by side.

The sun was beaming at them and many students were gathered in their packs to discuss their summers and various adventures over the last few months.

"Here we are." Caroline said as they stared at the school building. "Senior year."

"Anyone else think this should feel slightly more empowering?" Bonnie asked.

"A little." Mikayla agreed.

"Okay, so prank night was a bust." Caroline admitted. "But we are accepting it and we're moving on."

They started walking towards the school as Bonnie spoke. "You're right. I mean, why should I let the fact that my boyfriend is seeing the ghosts of his girlfriends hinder this experience?"

"Yes! And why should I let the fact that my boyfriend was turned into a hybrid put a damper on an otherwise fabulous day?"

Mikayla nodded. "Exactly! I'm not even gonna think about how freaky and terrifying my life has gotten since coming here, especially while I could be enjoying the new opportunities instead."

"Today's our anniversary." Elena said as she stopped walking. "Technically, Stefan and I met on the first day of school last year."

"Yeah, you win." Caroline told her.

Mikayla disagreed. While it must be immensely painful to have lost your boyfriend in such a way, she didn't think it was the worst situation. Bonnie's boyfriend was seeing his dead girlfriends for crying out loud. And Caroline's boyfriend was adjusting to becoming a whole new species. Mikayla thought Elena should be grateful that even though Stefan had no humanity, he was still there to protect her, even if it was in an unnecessarily aggressive way.

"Are you sure you wanna be here?" Bonnie asked.

Back in reality and hating herself for thinking like a terrible friend, Mikayla nodded.

"We won't judge you for skipping." She added.

Elena forced a smile. "I have to be here. I have to put it behind me. New year, new life."


History was Mikayla's favorite class.

Since her discovery of vampires, her and Alaric's one-to-one sessions during lunch had dwindled somewhat. At this point, they were only once a month rather than every week. Still, in all those moments, Mikayla was glad to have found the first adult to finally understand her situation and listen. It was a big reason why she now loved entering the classroom, even if the rest of the school was waiting to test her nerve.

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