48) A Broken Reunion

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Season 4 - Episode 3

Mikayla's third transformation had occurred a few nights before the current and as always she spent it with Klaus.

Things were looking up again. Sort of.

Twelve humans had been killed in a gas explosion but other than that things were okay.

Mikayla had also been invited to a party at Rebekah's new house and, seeing as Rebekah did save her life, she didn't see a problem in going.

She'd also heard from the Original sister that Klaus was at the Lockwood's that particular day. She was curious about that as Klaus had told her he was supposed to be heading for Chicago instead. She decided to check it out herself before getting ready for the party.

She was pressed against the side of the house now, seeing Tyler talking to Caroline at the front door. She didn't fancy sneaking in, but the moment the two were having didn't seem like it would suit three people. And so she slid open the window and climbed through just as she used to.

She checked out the room and then closed the window again, finding herself in Richard Lockwood's old study. She walked through it and opened the door, only to stumble upon two men who were deep in conversation. Her presence - given away by the clicking of her boots - distracted them.

"How did you get in?" One of them demanded, stepping forward.

Mikayla just crossed her arms, keeping her calm as she lied. "The name's Mikayla. Tyler let me in. I'm a friend of his."

"Mikayla?" The second guy muttered.

He conversed with his friend quickly but she caught some of the words.

"She's Klaus's girl." One stated. "The wolf."

"He'll want to see her." The second agreed, glancing at her. "Follow us."

Mikayla narrowed her eyes but accepted, following after the two. They led her to an office room and opened the doors for her. She walked in and they closed them behind so she was alone in there.

Or she thought so until the chair spun around to reveal Klaus. He grinned and propped his feet on the desk.

"Hello, sweetheart."

She raised a brow, looking around with an impressed stance. "Nice setup. It's very Bond villain of you."

"I was wondering when you'd pay me a visit."

"You didn't tell me you were back. I thought you were still in Chicago."

"You know I'd never leave you for too long."

She gave him a smile. "So, why are you camped out here?"

Klaus went to reply but hesitated, tilting his head slightly like he was listening for something. Mikayla mimicked the action, seeing if she could hear it too.

It was a voice she didn't recognize at first. A woman by the sound of it. She was talking to someone outside the room.

And then Mikayla's heart stopped for a second. She did recognize the voice.

Her lips parted in surprise, genuine shock masking her expression.

Klaus noticed and frowned. "What's wrong?"

It couldn't be. Surely not.

"That's not her." She whispered, voice trembling. "My sister..."

Klaus looked as surprised as she felt.

"Your sister?" He questioned.

"Oh, god. I - She...."

She went to reach for the door but Klaus rushed to her side and grabbed her arm. "Are you sure that's wise?"

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