#14 :: Bonus

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I was sitting in my office working with my daughter next to me. I decided to bring her into work today because my fiance hasn't slept properly in so long and I really want her to rest. She's stubborn so I had to lock her inside our home so she can't leave.

As I was playing with our daughter I heard my phone ringing. I smiled and answered the phone seeing it was jennie.

"How's jiyeon?" I smiled and hummed in response telling her that our daughter is doing fine. I turned to the clocked and saw that it was still early in the morning.

"Babe? It's only 10am, You're not asleep?" She made a whinning noise as if she just woke up. I sat up straight and frowned

"Someone's gonna have to clean the house, you won't let me work. You banned me from the company" Aha I did. I told the front desk to not let my wife in unless She's here to only visit me. They must check her bag to make sure that there's no work related stuff in there then they can let her in.

"I'll clean when I get back, go back to bed babe. I want your sleeping to go back to normal" She whined on the other side again then I heard a thud on the other line

"Okay" oh phew. The thud must be her laying back on the bed. "I miss you though, haven't see your face in forever"

"Get your sleeping schedule back together then you'll see me babe" I smiled hearing her humming on the other side. She's been so obedient lately, probably because she's too tired to talk back to me.

I grabbed my phone and connected the call to my computer and split the screen face timing her. She accepted it and smiled seeing me. I got my work up on other tab and put it on the other side. I can have her on one side and work on the other side.


"You can't just monitor me"

"I can"

She pouted and placed her phone down on the bedside table and pulled the covers over her. I smiled seeing her being obedient.

I don't like telling my fiance what to do but If she's gonna be stubborn and not take care of herself, I'll take the matters into my own hands even if I get called crazy for it.

I'm gonna care for my fiance the way I want to


I came home with our sleeping daughter at around 8pm and decided to take her to her room making sure she's for real asleep before going to see my fiance.

After I made sure I head back to our bedroom to see my fiance reading. Wah, she loves her book.

A few months ago I had to install a home library for her. I used the guest room but now it's her library.

The Better Man :: Choi Seungcheol Where stories live. Discover now