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The total energy in an isolated system remains constant, that is, it's conserved over time. In other words, energy can neither be created nor destroyed; only converted from one form to another. This is the law of conservation of energy, the basis of thermodynamics. This law has been proven by physicists, accepted for centuries and is fundamental to the understanding of physics. Although the beginning of the era of quirks made a significant impact on the study of physics, there was always a reasonable explanation for all quirks. After all, it is imposible for something to be made out of nothing. Right?



He's here.

I felt my heart pounding in my throat. I took a deep breath and shut the door softly. I made my way inside the house, tip toeing and avoiding all floor cracks.

"Young Yuki, we need to talk"
Damn it!
I felt my heart sink in my stomach.

"Sounds serious. What's up?" I sighed

I followed his voice over to the large living room we shared. He was siting on the couch in full skeletal form, as I like to call it, with his elbows on his knees and hands under his chin. This wasn't like him at all. I half expected him to attack me at the door with worry over where I'd been all day.
It's been a while since he looked this serious. The only time he's looked like this is when discussing that guy.

"He is back, isn't he. I haven't felt his presence at all since that day, but I had a feeling. I knew this was bound to happen sooner or later. I sho.."

"No no no" He interrupted before I could go in my usual downward spiral.
"It's not like that at all."

" Then what is it?" I questioned softly. I sat on the floor in front of his legs. I hate seeing him in this form. I always feel like it's my fault, but I'll do whatever I can to be there for him, just like he's always done for me.

" I met someone today-" He paused and stared at the ceiling smiling.

"A WOMAN!" I jumped up abruptly startling him. " What is her name?, how old is she? Is she my new foster mom? When is the wedding? Can I go?" This is so exciting. I've never been to a wedding before. I shaked him by the shoulders, " Is she pregnant?!"


" Oh" I sat back down

"Anyway, I met someone today, a young boy who showed incredible courage and determination," He continued, his eyes shining with admiration.

I frowned. Does this mean I don't get a foster mom?

"He ran towards a dangerous villain, the sludge villain, to save his friend without a second thought. Even all the pros were sitting back assessing the situation, waiting for other help to come. Even I was apprehensive about taking on the villain since my time ran out. But although he was born without a quirk he showed immense bravery. He ran straight towards danger, without a plan, without regard for his own safety. He said his legs just started moving, and he couldn't stop. That's  when I knew, this kid should be the one to inherit One For All," He explained, his blue eyes gleaming, and voice filled with pride.

My eyes widened.

I never expected him to pass on One For All to someone else so soon. I knew he was going to U.A to find a potential successor. I just never expect this to happen so suddenly.

It is a heavy burden, and I can't imagine anyone else taking it on.

" I can't say I'm surprised." I smiled.
He stared at me with widened eyes.

" Don't get me wrong, this is crazy, unexpected, and probably the dumbest thing you've ever done."
His face fell and he held a pained expression at each dagger aimed at him.

I giggled, "But this is also very much something you would do, and for some reason, if it didn't turn out like this, I think I probably would have been disappointed. Anyway, I would have preferred to meet him beforehand, but I trust you. If you saw something in him, then I believe that one day he'll be the world's greatest hero."

He hugged me suddenly with eyes streaming tears.
" I'm so sorry little Yuki. I know this affects you too, especially since I know you think he is still out there." He cried.
" Thank you for believing in me, and staying by my side all this time."

My eyes started burning and I looked up to fight the tears. " I should be the one thanking you. You saved me, twice really," I choked, " and you made sure I was okay even if it took years, then you took me in... thank you."

" Ah no no no, this won't do. No more tears."
He sat back and looked at me. " I am going to start training him tomorrow morning. You are welcome to come if you'd li..." he stopped and pointed at me in realization.
" Where have you been all evening young lady? you shouldn't even be out of bed!" He yelled.

Eh. I knew this was coming.
I laughed, " I'm okay! I just went to stretch my legs! Gee!"

We continued talking about training regimens for the future holder of one for all. I decided not to go to their training as it would induce anxiety and that really isn't helpful in my case. So I'll let him be, for now at least.

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