Hailey's Pov

'I had a whole new life ahead of me' I thought as me and my sister wandered around the airport.
First of all my real name is Emma Smith. I'm 5'3 with long, straight brown hair and hazel eyes.
Also my sister, Ariella, is actually my best friend.

"Look Hailey," Ariella pointed to a man who I suppose was James our uncle, well fake uncle he is actually my fathers best friend.The man smiled and waved we walked to him and hugged him as if he wasn't a stranger but a family member.He directed us to a black van and explained everything to us. Like how I was Hailey White and came from a small town in America. Apparently my fake parents were dead so me and my sister moved to Austraila with our uncle.

We arrived to our house in Sydney. It was a 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom pool house. It was amazing and knowing that only me and Ariella were living here alone was even better. My uncle handed us both keys to our dream cars and a credit card to get anything we needed which wasn't very much since the house was fully furnished and has a lot of food.

I ran upstairs to pick my room before Ariella did and unpacked. We were both tired from the flight and had one day to rest before we are off to school.

Ariella's POV

As soon as we arrived at the house and James handed us our stuff Hailey bolted into the house. Knowing her she was calling dibs on one of the rooms. I could care less about the rooms because I'm getting a chance to call dibs on the car I want.

I walk into the garage and see two of the most beautiful cars ever made. There's a Tiffany Blue Outie R8 and a Pearl White Convertible 2015 Porshe. I mentally claim the Outie R8 and then head up stairs.

I'm just your average looking girl. I have mahogany brown hair falling slightly below my shoulders, blue eyes, and a height of 5'3. I got my almond shaped eyes from my mother but the gorgeous color from my dad.

I soon find out that I was correct about what Hailey went to go do. The bedroom on the left had its' door shut so I walked over and quietly opened the dooring seeing Hailey asleep on the bed. It was a long flight. I figured I'll do the same so I go into one of the other bedrooms, drop my bags on the floor, and colapse onto the bed falling asleep almost instantly.


Hi guys! This is our (The Boo's) new book. 5SOS will be in the next chapter so keep reading! We hope you all like the book.

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