I Spy a Spy!

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((Okay this is my first story like this, it's probably gonna suck :3 anyways the picture is the outfit your warring. Enjoy~))

You came to a forced stop on a tree branch above a path leading into the hidden leaf village. You had been traveling an extremely long way to get to this place and now that your here you are not sure whether this was such a good idea after all. You examine the gate leading into the village and saw it was guarded by what looked like jounin ninja. As soon as you realized you are carelessly in the open, you can probably be seen from anywhere, you jumped to a different branch on the other side of the tree and leaned against the trunk.

They could've seen me just now! It would've been all over! How could I be so careless?? You mentally scold yourself then let out a long sigh. You know the ninja down there would probably not let you inside without asking about where your traveling from, which isn't wise due to the rain village being in hot water right now. There's a good chance you can sneak inside and gather the information you need from a local or ask them where the library is.

Your taped your finger on your bottom lip.

If you were to get caught, they would interrogate you and make you spill everything. Wait, what if they have a barrier around the whole village? Oh then your pretty much screwed. You sigh again, is this really worth it?

You hop from branch to branch till you get close enough to the top of the outer village wall, you can see a mountain face from where your at. You brake a stick off the tree limb your standing on. Here goes.... You throw the stick over the wall and it successfully goes over. Alright now it's your turn. You jump to a branch that leans over the wall but you don't pass over the wall. You quickly shove your arm over the wall expecting the worst but thankfully, nothing happens. "Phew...." You sigh and jump down on the other side. Guess there was no barrier.

You look around and apparently you've landed in even more forest, this place is just trees! You start making your way towards the mountain faces you saw earlier. The shadow the trees cast shield you from the sunlight, but little rays escape through the leaves. You were kinda glad it was so warm and bright here, in the hidden rain it was always dark and the sky was always crying. Before you left the hidden rain a while back you had never seen the sun before or felt it's welcoming rays. You never want to go back to the hidden rain.

After a little bit of walking, you pass through the tree line and find yourself in what looks like a training ground. It was a clearing in the trees and a road was nearby as well. A tree nearby had a target painted on its face and there was a few ninja stars sticking there. You walk by the tree and casually make your way down the dirt road. There was only a few people you passed by but you try to avoid confrontation. Everyone you walked by gave you really funny looks, do I look out of place? You thought as you combed your (h/c) hair out of your eyes and behind your ear.

You glanced around for someone you could ask. A guy around your age passed you, he had black hair tied in a high pony tail and his chalkra was really calm, his expression matched his chalkra but he looked bored aswell. I'll bet he looks that way a lot.

You also pass by two girls arguing about something in the middle of the road. "Back off Ino pig! I'm getting that spot on the mission!" The pink haired girl said balling her fist, she is really scary looking. "Ha! Don't make me laugh you build board brow! Shikamaru already mentioned me to lady Tsunade" the blond looked really smug, putting her hands on her hips and everything. This lady Tsunade person must be the kage around here.

You then walk by a white haired man with a mask on, you could tell he was rather powerful by his chalkra. He looked really suspicious to you especially since he was reading a book that had a title like "Make out Paradise". You watch him cautiously as you pass each other.

Thief ((Naruto x Reader fanfic))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora