Bad Dreams

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Your (e/c) orbs fluttered open, unwillingly. Your heart was racing even though you felt so calm. You clenched your heart in your hand, you absolutely hated having the same dream every night, it's like watching the same horror movie everyday. As soon as your vision clears you take a glance around you. You have migrated to the other side of the bed last night in your sleep, just like you always do, your arm hanging down off the edge. You roll to one side to look at the alarm clock on the night stand, 2:27. You rolled back over and groaned loudly. "What. The. Heck...." You sighed before squeezing Narutos pillow to your chest and burring your face. There's no use in trying to go back to sleep... I'll just have that dream again. You sat up with a long sigh and you look over the side of the bed expecting to see a sleeping blond but his bed was empty. "Where would he have gone at 2 in the morning?" You glancing around the dimly lit room and see no sign of him.

You stand out of bed "better go find the dork" you stretch. You then do a couple hand signs "ninja art: eye of heaven" you curl your right hand around your right eye like to make a telescope. You can now see all the chalkras in a mile radius, instead of feeling for his chalkra, this is more efficient. Most of the chalkras you see through your eye are calm and dim except for one blazing, you instantly recognized as Narutos chalkra. You drag your feet all the way to the front door where you then swing it open only to be greeted by your arch enemy. A cold, wet, morning breeze blew right through you and nearly knocked you to the ground. "Why is it so cold this morning??" You grab your arms and hold yourself, starting to wonder if Naruto is really worth it. Might as well, I can't really sleep... You walk out and turn to your right, a set of stairs leading to the roof was right around the corner of the building. You climb up them slowly and quietly.

Your head emerges from the hatch in the roof and you take in your surroundings. It's even colder up here then it is down there! Now where the heck is that guy? You stood out of the hatch and on to the roof, you take look around. You then spot the blond on the far side of the roof with his back towards you. You approach him with caution, the wind blew his golden locks softly as he sat on the edge of the building. "Why aren't you sleeping?" His voice is so calm that you could melt. "I.... I had a bad dream" you admitted and taking a seat next to him, dangling your feet off the side. "So why arnt you asleep?" After asking him that his head instantly turned away from you. "Bad dream" you have a feeling that he was lying by the way his chalkra flickered after making the statement but it really wasn't your place to pry. It was quiet after that, and it was getting really cold, so cold that you were shivering and your teeth chattered. But then you felt a warmth around you, Naruto had laid his jacket on your shoulders "there" you looked up as his happy smile but his eyes were sad. "Naruto..." You can't help but worry for him, he tries so hard to hide the pain he feels all the time and he does a good job of hiding it from others but You can tell by the way his chalkra wavers that he is upset. "Thanks" you said looking away and pulling the jacket around you like a blanket. "Your welcome" he sighed briskly.

"So um, what's your favorite animal?" You asked only to get a confused look. "Why the sudden urge to know?"
"I was getting tired of watching you silently sulk" you shrugged. "I'm not sulking" he suddenly smiled causing you to smile like his smile was a virus. "Then answer my question" you said crossing my arms. "Toads. What's yours?"
"Hmmm I think a fox" he looked kinda shocked. "Why a fox?" He asked and You gave him a confused look. "Why not? They are adorable!" He laughed "I guess"

Until the sun rose you and Naruto talked about all sorts of things, the village, all his friends, the missions he's been on. Gradually he seemed to shift out of his upset mood and by that, you were satisfied. "So your a sensory ninja?" He asked and you gave him a firm nob "yeah I can totally read your mind" you smile jokingly. He cocked an eyebrow "bet you don't know what I'm thinking about" "ramen noddles?" You guessed. "Nope I'll give you a hint: it's a someone" how am I supposed to know?? "I can't tell your brains are probably made out of ramen noodles" you coldly throw his way and in return you get a sarcastically pained expression. "Ow right in the heart" he pats his chest with a smile on his face. "Dork" you laugh and stand up "ima go get ready so we can go to the library" the sun is high in the sky and oddly enough, you've gotten four hours of sleep but your not tired at all.

You and Naruto walk into his room, you take your clothes into the bathroom and change while he changes before you come out. Your glad to be back in your own cloths and actually waring pants. You walk out while Naruto is still walking around shirtless. His broad body was a milky tan and You were just now noticing that he had toned muscles. Under that jacket he was waring you can't see anything. You shifted your gaze to his strong arms. "(Y/n) are you even listening?" Narutos voice blocked your thoughts. "Huh? Sorry I'm super tired" you lied watching his slip a black tank top on and his orange jacket. "I said we should get breakfast before we head to the library" he said walking to the door and You followed. "Sounds good" You nodded.

On your way down town, Naruto showed you many  places as your 'tore guide'; the hospital, a few shopping stores where you can get new cloths and such, the grocery store, he even named all of the leaf hokages on the mountain face. Then, after agreeing on eating rice balls for breakfast sense the restaurant was closest to the library, we ate a healthy helping and made our way to the library.

"Why do you need to use this jutsu so bad anyways?" Naruto asked as you both walked into the library. "Hmm well its the pride of my family. I guess I'm just curious?" You statement came out as a question. "you guess?" He raised an eyebrow down to you. "Yeah I guess" you repeated narrowing my eyes.

We made our way to the books and found the sensory jutsu section. This is the fun part. "Alright it's time to get down to business" the two of you sat and read and read and read for hours. You picked up a few books that you thought looked informative but after skimming from front to back of like twenty of them you were starting to loose hope. Though this struggle wasn't turning out so bad, you found a few jutsus that you could learn but not the jutsu you needed to learn.

You sighed laying back against the bookshelf "having any luck Naruto?" You asked. "I can't read anymore!" You heard a groan from the other side of the shelf "i can't either" You admitted. "Oh! We should take a brake and do something fun!!"


((Hey! It's me again :) so sorry for the short chapter. And I'm trying to update as soon as I possibly can but I can't without my real life problems getting in the way ugh it sucks. Anyways I hope this is okay with you guys so sorry x0))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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