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Ugh why'd it have to be this guy, he ratted you out and he's a total dork. You weren't a spy in the first place. If you would've went through the gate maybe you could've avoided that? Then again, the men at the gate will ask where your from and you will have to tell them the truth. And you totally forgot about your head band, the one thing you didn't want anyone in this village to know was plastered on your waist like a build board and now half the village knows that some hidden rain girl is wondering around, how the heck did you get this far anyways? Now look what you've caused, all this mess just for some scrolls. You mentally sigh how troublesome you thought.

"You want me to babysit her? What the heck granny I have an important mission tomorrow!!" Im right here ya know!! Plus your no older then I am.... I think. You yell at Naruto through your thoughts and they reach him when you glare straight into his soul. He only glares back with the same agitated expression. "I can get Team Guy on it, besides your just now coming off a mission" lady Tsunade stated leaning back in her chair before continuing "besides you should try to be friends sense she is going to be living here for a while. She has no home to go to right now so the least you can do is help out" You watched Narutos shoulders slumped as he finally gave in. He turned on his heal and motioned you to follow "alright I'll do it" He waved lady Tsunade off and You thanked her before following Naruto out of the Hokage building.

"I think you should hide that head band for now" he mentioned pointing at it. "Oh I almost forgot again" you untied it in the back and slipped it into you back pocket. "Are you happy now?" You teased him but he looked like he didn't hear you, he was so lost in thought. For a long while it was silent between the two of you as you both walked side by side. "(Y/n)" Naruto suddenly broke the silence. "What?" You turned your head to him and he was looking right back. "Why don't you have a home?" He was totally serious, you could tell by his chalkra flow, he was intense. "Wernt you listening at all to lady Tsunade?" How could he not know even before the conversation with the Hokage? You guessed it was because the rain village wasn't as popular as the leaf. The rain village never interacts with other villages anymore unless it's for war. "Well... No. Can't you just tell me?" You sighed deeply at his response, he really is an idiot. "About the war in the hidden rain" You watched his intense expression change to a confused one. "you know... The one that broke out a couple years ago...." You didn't want to have to explain everything to him. You watch as he ran his fingers through his thick blond hair "doesn't ring a bell.... Hey but then why arnt your parents with you? Are they fighting in the war?"

Your parents. You can't even remember what your mother and father look like, you can't even remember their warmth and love. When you think of your home, you don't think of the smell of your mothers cooking when you walk inside or the welcome home bear hug from your father. When home comes to mind all you can think about is the long nights you spent crying your heart out or when you have to struggle just to survive in a war zone. Your home is a battle field, tainted with blood of fallen comrades.

"(Y/n)?" Narutos voice saved you from your thoughts. "Oh. Um... My parents are dead" you answered him finally only to see a frown on his face. "It's alright, My parents died when I was a newborn so I understand" he sighed before continuing "Well, we orphans have to stick together!" He snaked his arm over your shoulder and a open smile spread across his face. They say 'a smile is contagious' but Narutos smile was even more to you. You found yourself smiling as well, willing or not.


We arrive at our destination and the smell of food flooded the air. "What's here?" You looked at Naruto. "Food" we both lifted the flags above the entrance of a small shack. Instantly you were greeted by a number of smiling faces "hey Naruto!" The older man behind the counter called out "who's this?" He glanced at you but before you could answer his question, Naruto beat you to it. "Hey! This is (y/n), she's going to be staying here in the leaf" you and Naruto take the two open seats between a black headed guy and a dude with red markings on his face. "I'm Kiba" the guy next to you said with a fanged smile "and that there is Akamaru" he points down to his large k9 friend laying next to Kibas chair. You only smile and nod at him and his large companion. You felt so uncomfortable with all these people around you and you try to be nice for a change instead of avoiding them. "And this is Shikamaru" Naruto gets your attention as he points to a kid next to him. He still had that plain bored expression he had earlier. You nod at him as he glances at you "hey" well he's kinda glumish looking.. Nothing like Kiba or Naruto.

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