45- Finished

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"You are very interesting indeed, my child." Her perfectly white fangs glint in the moonlight.

"Not so interesting as you I would suppose. I didn't cause three ancient vampires to travel centuries to destroy me." My mouth turns upwards in a makeshift smile but my eyes reflect none of it.

Her laughter fills the air. "I would have given anything to have sired you. Out of the thousands of years I have lived, never once has there been one such as you." Her hand caresses the side of my face while a slender finger brushes against my bottom lip.

"Why have you called me to this place?" I turn my eyes on her and leave them there as I wait for her answer. She sighs wistfully and drops her hand.

"I can only imagine what you would be like as my Consort." She sits herself down gracefully on the park bench and motions for me to do the same. I stay standing and cross my arms across my chest. She frowns but then quickly covers it up with a smile.

"I called you here because it seems we both have a vested interest in seeing Melaine's demise."

"And why would you think that?" I ask in a hard voice.

She seems to contemplate this for a moment. "Your feelings for the previous inhabitant of that body are very clear to me. What if I told you there was a way to get that woman back?"

"I'm listening."

I clutch my head in pain for the tenth time since we came back to this house.

"You're sure this is just the merge Caiaphas? Because I don't feel like I have merged with someone. I feel like my head is crowded and full to bursting."

My lover looks at me worriedly. "I'm not really sure, love. That book you read wasn't very detailed about what exactly would happen. When you told me that we would be reborn I had assumed that it would just be the three of us being born anew. What we didn't anticipate was that our bodies would have a separate consciousness in this time. It could be that Cai, Lilly, and Adam are remnants of our original human selves but we can't confirm it because none of us actually remember who we were before the change all those centuries ago." Caiaphas rubs a soothing hand on my back as tendrils of foreign thought flash back and forth across my mind.

"She's still here, my love. I can feel her trying to break free." My voice is strained as I clench my eyes shut in pain.

Taro cuts in, "So if they're not merging with us, why is it only Melaine who is having trouble?"

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that there's someone who does. Speaking of which..." Caiaphas cuts off and I feel a shift in the atmosphere of the room.

"I never did accuse you of being dimwitted now did I?" An offending voice fills the room like liquid and I look up and glare into Reylana's eyes.

"What do you want, witch?" My lover stands up and shields me behind himself, the air crackling with power around us.

"Chill, Caiaphas. I came here to offer you a solution to your problem, but I can leave if you so desire?" Her red lips turn up in a smirk and I can feel my lovers pride bristling under Reylana's challenge. I struggle to stand up and Caiaphas helps me the rest of the way, Taro hovering quietly in the background.

"Have you come to destroy us once again?" I ask abruptly.

"Oh no, dear. Your bodies are much too valuable at this point to me. It is good to see that you do understand your current position. You may have lived centuries ago for many, many years, but right now you are like new born babes to me. I would hold off on any revenge plot at the moment since it would undoubtedly be considered a suicide mission." She sits down as gracefully as falling snow on the couch across the room and watches us carefully.

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