18- Marked

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Eighteenth Part: Kidnapped by Vampires? But it's My Time of the Month!

----------------------------------- L

I woke up with the most splitting headache I've ever had in my life. I have been having way too many of these lately. Trying to combat the pain by hitting my fist agianst my head, I squint my eyes open. What I see surprises and worries me. All the boys are gathered together in my room in various positions. My brother, the most worrisome of the bunch, is leaning against the wall with his arms tightly crossed and his hair in his face.

Dylan, who I am very surprised to see up is sitting on the loveseat with a pained expression on his face. Although something tells me he's not like that because he's in pain. Derrick looks just as pissed as the last time I saw him fighting with Daniel.

I feel like I'm missing something here. I look over to David who is sitting in a chair at the far side of the room with his head in his hands. An odd feeling creeps up inside of me. I suddenly feel like going over there and comforting him. But not to be nice for no reason. It's like something is compelling me to.

"Daniel, what the hell is going on?" I ask.

He looks up at me with the scariest expression on his face I had ever seen. I flinch back and avert my eyes. With that one look, everything that happened with David floods back.

"Oh shi-." Daniel looks at me harshly again. "-oot..."

As I say this, pain shoots up my right arm and I hear David groan in pain, mirroring my own. Sinking back down on the bed in pain I clutch my arm to my chest, wishing the throbbing would subside.

"Daniel this is ridiculous. You know I can make it stop." David gets up and starts towards me.

"Don't you dare touch her again David." Daniel growls at him. David sits back down as if he's in pain too.

I finally decide to look at my arm to see what the heck is wrong with it. I mean it's not like I hurt it or anything. So why the hell am I in pain?

"Lilly don't-." Daniel tries to warn me.

I gasp as I see what has shown up on my arm. Starting on the back of my wrist, a delicate pattern snakes up under my short sleeve shirt, occasionly wrapping itself under my arm. I frantically push up my sleeve to confirm that it stops at my collarbone, stopping precisely at the spot where David bit me. The beauty of it leaves me breathless, but only for a second.

"What the heck IS this?!" I yell at all of them. Pain shoots up my arm again and I lay back down, my head spinning.

"Don't worry Lilly, the pain will go away in a few days. Just bear with it till then." Daniel says coming to sit down beside me.

"You know that's not true. It'll never get better when I'm so far away from her." David complains.

"Ugh... Just go away." I grit through my teeth at Daniel.

I use my right arm (who knows why) to attempt pushing Daniel off but all I get is a massive shock of pain as soon as I touch him. I scream and clutch my arm to my chest. He stumbles off the bed and sinks to the floor, a look of defeat on his face.

"Fine. Just do it." He says weakly.

David gets up from the chair slowly and comes over to me. Each step closer that he takes I'm able to process more of what's going on. I look over at him as he continues walking and the pain slowly slips away. Gulping, I look into his eyes as he reaches my bedside. The pain fully gone, my breathing slows and I'm able to really look at him.

"Hey Lilly." He says quietly while giving me a warm smile.

I breathe out the breath I had been holding and reply back.

"Hey." Yeah it was a stupid reply but... I just got an underaged tattoo that appeared out of nowhere and a luscious piece of a man is standing over me. Give me a break.

David sits down beside me on the bed, but with this man, I don't have any intention of pushing him off. Again I have this weird feeling of wanting to be closer to him but it's a detached feeling. As if I'm not really in control of it. I shake it off. Who wouldn't want to be closer to this guy?

While these thoughts are running around in my head, David raises his hand and slowly places it on my decorated arm. Something inside of me just falls into place and my breathing picks up again and I break out into a cold sweat. The place where David's hand is is burning hot and the warmth starts to spread to other parts of my body. I move to take his hand off but I end up just clutching onto his shirt and bringing him closer to myself. I lay there for several minutes enduring this odd and unfamiliar feeling.

Finally it subsides and I'm able to breathe again. But that underlying warmth stays making me feel comfortable and safe. I give David a breathless smile and he leans in to kiss me. Suddenly I hear something smash against the wall and a door slam so I look over David's shoulder. Dylan, who had been sitting on the loveseat that is now several feet away from where it had been and backed against the wall, is gone and Derrick with him.

"Uh oh." My cheeks start to burn from embarrassment realizing everyone had to witness that. Whatever that was.

To reassure me, David strokes my hair causing me to close my eyes and sigh. A sense of contentment passes by whenever he touches me. I sigh again and start to drift off to sleep, David still stroking my hair. Who cares if Daniel's there or not? The questions that had started to swarm around me, dissapated. They can wait till morning.


Hey readers! How have you been? I didn't die or anything. Would you believe a 5 month writer's block? No? Well you're right. I'm just lazy. Anyway, how'd you like this? Not much happened I know, but don't you worry, it's going to get a whole heck of a lot more interesting XD

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