19- Ashamed

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Nineteenth Part: Kidnapped by Vampires? But it's My Time of the Month!


Hahahahaha! I'm so happy :D I made a story cover. On my own. Well several actually. I continued my second story Hypnotized to Love Me, started another one called Till Death He Won't Part, AND I'm doing another part for this one. I feel accomplished. And I hope it made up for my several months long hiatus.


"Wake up Lilly. It's time for school." A voice says close to me. My brother.

"Ugh.... No. I don't want to." I grumble back. I get no response so after a little while I try and go back to sleep.

"Lilly, please wake up." Another voice says. This time the voice is right by my ear and their face is buried in my hair with another hand stroking it softly.

I instantly feel rejuvanated. But instead of getting up, I curl up next to the body, not ever wanting it to leave. My body does this on instinct and I feel pretty okay about it too. The voice chuckles softly then pulls away and leaves my side. I start to feel some pain in my right arm and I struggle to open my eyes against the bright light. David, who I realize was the voice, has moved across the room and is leaning against the wall with a grimace on his perfect features. I instantly scramble out of bed and, before I realize what I am doing, go to embrace him.

"Told you it would work." He says to someone behind me while he wraps his arms around me and holds me tight.

"Yeah well, don't go making a habit out of it. This will only last for a few more days." Daniel tells him. I ignore my brother and go right on hugging David.

"I know it might hurt a bit Lilly but I'm going to stand right outside while you change so don't worry." He and Daniel leave my room with me trying to follow. David gently pushes me back into the room, closing the door with a reluctant look on his face.

What the heck is wrong with me? Can I do nothing without wanting him to be there? I look down at my arm remembering yesterday. They decide to take me to school now? Just perfect. How the heck am I supposed to hide this?

A knock sounds at my door and David peeks his head in. I instantly go weak in the knees. "Don't worry Lilly. Other humans can't see it."

"Can you read my mind?" I ask him a little hesitantly.

"No. But when I'm this close I can tell what's troubling you. I don't know your actual thoughts just the feelings around them." He gives me a smile and then shuts the door again.

My head becomes a little more clear when he leaves. His presence seems to befuddle my brain. I move farther away from the door and realize the pain helps me organize my thoughts. Well, time to get ready. After showering, putting on some make-up, fixing my hair, and getting into some of the clothes my brother had Eleanor put in my closet, I'm ready to go. Almost as instantanious as that thought popped into my head, David walks in, dressed and ready. And deliciously so too if I may say so myself. I widen my eyes and realize he can probably tell what I was just admiring. I look at him and see a smirk forming on his face.

"Ready?" He asks with the smile still on his face.

I clear my throat and avert my eyes. "Ummmm... Yeah. I am."

David walks over to me and puts my arm through his. The throbbing in my arm goes away and I smile up at him. Today is going to be a good day. As long as we're not seperated that is.


"Oh yeah, we cleared up with the school and police that you didn't go missing, but ran into me and then after you heard about mom I didn't feel it was right for you to have to live by yourself. Got it?" My brother says as we're getting out if his car. I look at him like he's crazy. Which isn't hard considering he is. David helps me out of Daniel's truck just as Derrick and Dylan pull up beside us. We've already caught several student's attentions and they gawk at us without trying to hide it. Well, they're probably just looking at the hot guys surrounding me.

I look over and see Dylan getting out of the passengers side of the car. I start running over there to say hello when my arm protests against it. Dylan looks at me worriedly then glares at David over my shoulder who has now come over to where I'm standing.

"Hey Dylan." I say weakly. He doesn't smile and instead turns around and walks towards the school, Derrick not far behind. I sigh inwardly. It's going to be a very long day.


Yeah I know, not much happened. But it's a school night. So tell me if you liked it anyway and go and start reading my other two stories. Pretty Please?????? Comment, Vote, Become a Fan!

Kidnapped by Vampires? But it's My Time of the Month! Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora