9- Relaxed

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9- Kidnapped by Vampires? But it's My Time if the Month!


I look out at the most breathtaking garden I have ever seen, but it wasn't an ordinary garden. The glass that forms the greenhouse is so clear that it's almost like it's not even there. Dylan pulls me over to sit on an intricately carved wooden bench and I follow in a daze. I'm still staring at my surroundings when I feel Dylan's fingers on my cheek. Turning my head towards him slowly, I look into those eyes of his. He stares at me with a warm smile on his face. His fingers lightly touch my cheek for a second and then he pushes my hair back behind my ears. I sit frozen in my spot blinking up at him.

"Your hair was in your face," he tells me.

I'm still staring at him like an idiot.

"Oh," is all I can say.

"I like to come out here at this time of day." Dylan's voice is smooth and melodic as he looks up at the clear blue sky.

I can tell the sun is about to set because of the red-orange hews strewn across the clouds. The outline of the moon is starting to make its debut in the night sky. Some of the windows around us are open and I feel the cool Oklahoma breeze brushing its fingers on my face. I close my eyes and lean my head back against the neck of the bench and let out a sigh. Sitting here like this almost makes me feel as if all the things that have happened in the last few days are just a dream.

"This is amazing. Thank you for showing me this. I don't quite understand why I was brought here but sitting with you makes me feel like all my problems have gone away," I smile, opening my eyes and shifting them towards him.

"I'm just glad I could share this with you. Seeing you smile like that is reward enough for bringing you here. Daniel may be really mad at me, but it's worth it," he says.

Hearing Daniel's name wakes me up from this little fantasy world I've created around me. My smile disappears and I flex my jaw at the memory of him.

"Ah...Daniel. I was hoping you wouldn't mention him," I sigh.

"I have a question. How come all of your names start with D?" My abruptness startles even me but it's something that had come to my attention as being very coincidental.

"Oh, that." His face becomes unreadable. Sort of like Daniel's when he acts like he's remembering something. "He... named us that."

I scrunch up my face in confusion. "Who named you that? And Daniel is not his real name?"

He takes awhile to answer. "The one," he hesitates, "who found them."

"Found them? Oh, the same guy who rescued Daniel?"

Dylan's face takes on bitter amusement.

"Ha, rescued. If that's what you want to call it, then yes, that same man."

"Well, what's Daniel's real name?" I ask, giving up the hope of avoiding the subject of my brother.

"You should probably ask him that." he answers carefully. I study him briefly.

"If Daniel's not his real name, then what's yours?"

"As far as I know that is my real name," he smiles weakly as the sun shines off of his chestnut hair.

"But you said-

"Yes I know. But I've lived with him for as long as I can remember," he answers bitterly.

"Oh, well is there a reason why you and my brother are not on the best of terms?"

"Because I remind him of someone." His voice comes out cold and calculating.

"And that someone would be...?" I press.

"I remind him of the man who is my father," he answers, staring straight ahead.

"And your father is... Oh. Him," I say, realizing what he means. "The same guy who rescued my brother, David, and Derrick is your father?

"Yes." His jaw clenches.

"And Daniel, for unknown reasons, has come to hate this man which causes some of that to come off on you. If this is true, why do you stay here?" The mystery of this household continues to deepen as I ask each question.

"Because my feelings for that man are much the same." He answers without hesitation.

This surprises me a little. I open my mouth to ask him why when I hear the doors of the greenhouse open. I see Dylan look over my shoulder and the look on his face could make even the strongest of men cower. You know the saying; "If looks could kill...," well that person would be as good as dead. I look over to see why he has reacted like that and my breath catches in my throat.

"David," I say.

David is staring at Dylan with a look on his face that mirrors Dylan's reaction. I'm seeing a lot of conflicting relationships that seem to be going on in this house. Dylan pulls me up and I turn around to face David.

"I see you're playing fetch tonight David," Dylan says to David with a mixture of contempt and bitterness. David ignores Dylan and looks over to me. His face relaxes and he allows the smallest of smiles.

"Hello again, Lilly." His voice somehow reminds me of velvet. The deepness of it matches the manliness of his appearance. My mind is still in a comatose from his sexiness when I realize I haven't answered him yet.

"Oh, uh, yeah, hi." I stutter. I feel Dylan place his arm around my shoulders and he draws me into him. My heart flutters as I look up at Dylan's face, then back at David's. I think I might have a heart attack soon if I don't get away from all these men.

David is still smiling at me faintly when I feel Dylan's arms tighten. The air is so thick with awkwardness I could cut it with a knife. Well, figuratively speaking.

I try to break the silence in the best way possible. "Ha, ha, um so...yeah, David. What did you want?"

I've never been good at conversation.

"Yes, Lilly, Daniel would like to see you before we all have to leave tonight," he says, blinking.

"Yeah, I don't think so. Now could you please tell my brother to refrain from any more interruptions in the near future? I would appreciate it." I slide out of Dylan's arms and sit back on the bench.

"Lilly, he really needs to speak with you. It's imperative that you talk to him." All amusement is gone from his voice. The seriousness of his tone makes me look at him again, but I'm not giving in that easily.

"I said no," I repeat.

David looks at Dylan with desperation. I study the pair for a few seconds. An understanding passes between them. When my eyes finally shift towards Dylan again I see his face has gone blank.

"Dylan, what's wrong?" I ask, perplexed.

"Go with David, Lilly," he answers, staring straight past me.

"What? Why?" I frown.

"It doesn't matter, Lilly, now go with David." he replies, his face set like stone.

"Fine," I answer coldly. If that's the way he wants to be then whatever. I turn around abruptly and stalk over to David.

"Let's go meet him then," I say, not looking at David but into the darkness of the house. David places his hand on my back and guides me through the double doors. I quickly glance over my shoulder and see Dylan look at me with hurt written all over his face. Why that is, I'm not sure, all I know is that I'm about to meet with a brother I just found out a few days ago I had, and I already don't like him. I sigh and get led through the empty halls of the house wondering just what Daniel needs to see me about.


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