Chapter 2

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Haley got Jamie ready to go to the park.

"Why does dad work all the time momma?" Jamie asked on the way to the park.

"He's got a lot going on at work sweetie." Haley replied still looking at the road.

"I just wish he would spend more time with us." he said pouting.

"I know Buddy. But he loves you. You know that right?" she replied looking in the mirror at him.

"I know you love me." Jamie replied looking out the window.

When Haley arrived, Jamie jumped out of the car and grabbed his moms hand.

"OK buddy. I'm going to go sit on the bench while you go play."

Jamie nodded and headed for the swings. Haley sat down and pulled out a book and started reading it. She was so caught up in the book, she didn't even notice someone walking her way.

"Long time, no see." said the brunette sitting next to Haley.

Haley looked beside her and nearly jumped off the bench. "Oh my gosh Brooke!"

Brooke's giggled. "Hey Haley."

Haley looked at Brooke for a moment stunned to see her.

"Gosh how long has it been?" Haley asked.

"Five years and ten days but who's counting." Brooke replied.

"I'm sorry I didn't visit. It's just with Jamie, I can't go back down to Tree Hill with him. There would be too many questions."

" Yeah I know." Brooke looked at Jamie playing on swing. "He looks like his father."

"Yeah I know. Jamie looks more and more like Nathan everyday."

"I missed you Hales." Brooke closed the gap between them and hugged Haley.

"I missed you too Brooke."

"Momma." Jamie ran to Haley curious of who was talking to his mom. "Who are you?"

"I'm Brooke. I was friends with your mom in high school and we we still are."

Jamie looked at her unsure of what to say, so he hid behind Haley.

"He's shy around people he don't know." Haley said to Brooke.

"Mom can we go now?"

"Yeah. Well it was nice to see you Brooke."

"Yeah you too." Brooke replied standing up.

"Are you going to be around Brooke?"

"No I'm sorry. I would stay, but I'm going back to Tree Hill."

"Oh OK." Haley gave Brooke a hug.

"Take care Haley."


Haley put Jamie down to bed and then took a quick shower. <<Where are you Chris?>> Haley thought to herself. She stayed up in bed watching the clock tick as she waited for Chris to come home. This was the fourth time this week he hasn't shown up early. At one in the morning she heard the door open to her bedroom. Chris walked in swaying back and forth.

"Chris have you been drinking?" She asked walking up to Chris. Once she was in front of him she smelt perfume. "Are you seeing someone?" Haley asked tearing up. Chris looked at her angry. Haley felt a sharp pain on her cheek as Chris' hand came down on top of it.

Hey guys that is it for chapter 2!! Tell me what you think and don't forget to vote!! I will update soon!!

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