Chapter 9

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Haley woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. She groaned and picked up her phone seeing it was Luke calling. "Hello?"

"Hey I was wondering if you had any plans for today?"

"I don't think I do. Why?"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me today. You know catch up."

"That would be great. Um let me talk to Nathan and see if he will watch Jamie today." Haley replied looking at the time.

"Text me later to let me know when."

"Ok. Bye Luke." Haley hung up the phone and got up to walk to Jamie's room. She saw that he wasn't in there. She smiled when she walked into the kitchen to find Nathan cooking breakfast.

"Where's Jamie?" She asked confused.

"He's out back shooting some hoops. Is that ok?" Nathan asked worried that it wasn't.

"No it's fine. I just didn't know where he was."

"Do you want some breakfast?" Nathan asked putting pancakes onto a plate.

"Um yeah sure. Thanks."

"No problem." Nathan walked over to the table and set down the plate in front of Haley.

"So Lucas invited me to hang out with him later. I was wondering if you could watch Jamie for me?" Haley asked hoping he would say yes.

"Yeah I would love to. Me and Jamie can go to the river court today. If you don't mind."

"Not at all. He will be happy to go with you."

"Yeah. He is such an awesome kid." Nathan replied smiling.

"Thank you." Nathan and Haley stared at each other smiling.

"So when are you going to go hang out with Lucas?" Nathan asked feeling awkward.

"Probably around noon."

"Ok. So when you leave I will take Jamie to the court with me."

"Sounds good."

"Morning momma." Jamie said running into the house.

"Slow down buddy. I don't want you to fall. So Lucas and I are going to hang out this afternoon and I wanted to know if you would like to go with Nathan to the river court."

"Really?" Jamie asked smiling.

"Yeah. I  mean if that's what you want."

"That's what I want!" Jamie replied quickly. Haley laughed at how happy he was to get to go out with Nathan.

"Alright well eat your breakfast while I go run your bath water." Haley said standing up. Before she walked out she turned around and looked at Nathan and smiled.


Haley finished getting herself ready. She had on a white tank, blue jeans, flip flops, and her hair was thrown up into a messy bun. She walked out of the room to see Jamie sitting on the couch waiting on  Nathan. She sat down next to him.

"I know I don't have to tell you because I know you will, but be good to Nathan. Ok?"

"Ok." Jamie replied. When Nathan walked into the living room it knocked the breath out of Haley. He was wearing the shirt she had bought him for his birthday. She didn't think he still had it. She heard a car honk outside knowing it was Lucas. Nathan walked out of the house with Jamie and Haley following him. Before Nathan could reach his car, Haley grabbed his arm gently. She felt an electric shock shoot through her when she did.

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