Chapter 36

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I woke up the next morning, laying the back seat. But I wasn't alone. I felt an arm wrapped around my waist, and my back up against a warm body. I knew instantly it was Nathan. Loving the feeling of my body against his, I couldn't help but smile. I could stay like this all day. I turned my head slightly, and saw it was getting light outside. I snuggled closer to him, ready to go back to sleep. Before I could, I realized I was hungry. There were some snacks in a bag I the trunk. I don't want to wake him. I slowly moved his hand that was resting on my hip, and put it on his thigh. I sat up, getting prepared to crawl over him. Before I could, Nathan moved to where he was laying on his back. He was only wearing a pair of shorts, leaving his chest and stomach exposed. Great. Now it is going to be harder on me. I brought my right leg over on the other side of his waist, straddling him. If Nathan was to wake up, there would be no telling what he would say. Before I moved, I felt him get happy down there. But that wasn't the worse part. My center was sitting on it, and for some reason I was just wearing a long shirt and underwear. Before any thoughts could run through my head, my cell phone went off...waking Nathan up.

"I...I..I' can explain." I said stuttering.

"Haley if you want me, all you have to do is ask." He replied looking down south smirking.

"Shut up!" I smacked him on his bare chest playfully. I looked into his blue eyes, getting lost in them. God, what is he doing to me? My eyes trailed down to his lips, like last night. I miss his lips being on mine. Everything I look at him, my heart skips a beat. Being around him makes my day. Before I could stop myself, I pressed my lips to his. I could tell he was shocked at first, but I couldn't help it anymore. It killed me walking away from him last night, without kissing him again. I wanted his lips to be pressed against mine ever since he took my clothes from me back at his house a while back. I felt his tongue glide across my bottom lip, causing me to moan. I opened my moth, letting him deepen the kiss. I moaned into the kiss, when our lower bodies accidentally grinder against each other. I felt his hands go to either side of my hips, as we continued to kiss. During the kiss, Nathan flipped us over to where he was on top of me, causing the shirt I was wearing to rise up, revealing my black lace underwear and a little bit of my stomach. Looking into his eyes, I saw last and love in them. I gasped when I felt his lips on my stomach. As he raised my shirt slowly, he trailed kisses up my stomach. His lips trailed between my breasts and up to my neck, before pulling the shirt off, leaving me in my bra and underwear. Each kiss made me feel like I was dreaming. He intertwined our hands, bringing them above my head, as his lips connected to mine again. In that moment, I knew I wanted him.


I slowly opened my eyes, feeling Nathan's warm bare body against mine. When I looked up at him, he was staring down at me.

"Hey." He said his voice sounding tired.

"Hi." I replied softly.


"Was great." I finished, exhaling. He intertwined his hand with mine, bringing it to his lips, kissing it.

"You're so beautiful."

"Stop it!" I felt my face turn a light pink.

"I'm serious. You are the most beautiful woman, I have ever laid eyes on." Hearing him say that made me want to cry, but I held them in.

"Thank you." I pressed my lips to his, and snuggled closer to him, laying my head on his chest.


I walked around the car, holding my phone in the air, trying to get service. But I had no bars.

"Nothing. You?" I asked looking over at Nathan.


"We are never going to get out of here Nathan." I said crossing my arms.

"You sure about that?" He asked. I turned around and are a truck driving toward us. Finally.


The truck that was heading toward us, had happened to have the tools we needed. It was some guy named Chase. So we were finally on our way to where ever Nathan was taking us. But Nathan wasn't exactly happy right now because Chase was 'flirting' with me."

"Nathan he was just being nice." I said trying to reason with him.

"I know what being nice is. That was not being nice. He was flirting."

"Babe, it doesn't matter. All I want is you." I replied putting my hand on his thigh. I leaned over and kissed the corner of his mouth. I laughed when I heard him groan.

"Haley, you can't do that. I'm driving."

"Can't do what?" I asked innocently. I moved my hand on the inside of his thigh, and slowly moved it upwards.

"You have no idea what you're doing to me." He replied trying not to groan.

"Oh, yeah?" I leaned over the console and pressed my lips to his neck, leaving my hand on the inside of his thigh. My lips slowly trailed down to his collarbone, and all the way to his jawline.

"That's it. I'm pulling over." Nathan said, not being able to take it anymore, causing me to laugh. We are never going to get to where he wanted to take me. But I didn't care because it's worth it.

Hey peeps. I know it was short but at least I updated. What did you think of the Naley scenes? I'm thinking this story is coming to an end. Maybe a few more chapters. I'm not sure yet. Don't forget to vote and comment. I will update when I get 8 votes and like seven comments.

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