Chapter 26

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Nathan's POV

"Who are you?"

Hearing her say those words made my heart shatter into a million pieces. Seeing the confusion in her eyes made my heart ache. The words kept repeating in my head. How could this be happening. Does she remember Jamie, Brooke, Lucas, Peyton? Or does she just not remember me. I felt tears begin to fall down my face. Watching her look at me with a blank expression, that used to be filled with love when she looked at me, made me not want to live anymore. But I had to be strong for Jamie.

"Haley, it's me."

"Who's Haley?" she asked confused.

"Your Haley." What happened to her memories?

"Haley?" She repeated. She doesn't even know who he is.

I stood up and walked toward the door with tears in my eyes, leaving Haley confused. Before I touched the door knob, I heard her soft voice.

"What happened to me? Who are you?" I turned back around and looked into those big brown eyes that looked lost.

"You were in a car accident Haley." I walked out the door before she could even reply. There was no way I would be able to explain to her who I am to her. It would hurt too much. I looked at my phone and saw I got a message from Brooke saying there coming up right now. I went back to my room and sat back down on my bed.

"Nathan?" I heard Brooke ask. "Hey what's wrong?" she must have seen my eyes were red from where I was crying.

"She doesn't remember." was all I could get out.

"What does she not remember?" Lucas asked his jaw tight.

"She doesn't remember who she is or who we are."

"This can't be happening." Brooke said putting her face into Lucas' chest crying.

"There's got to be something the doctors can do." Lucas said tearing up.

"I don't think they can Luke. It's either she remembers or she doesn't ever remember."

"And what if she doesn't?"


Haley's POV

I tried thinking about what I remembered last but nothing came to my mind. It's like I was a newborn except I knew what things were. But I don't know the people around me or who I am. The guy that was in here said I was in a car accident, but I don't remember. He knew me because he said it was him. Are we friends? He had a few cuts and bruises, maybe he was involved in the car accident? I shook my head and closed my eyes trying to think. I was getting frustrated because I couldn't remember anything. Where do I live? Do I live by myself? I looked next to me and saw a purse sitting in the chair. I reached over and grabbed it. I looked inside and saw a wallet. I opened it up and and saw a license with a picture of me on it. As I was going through my wallet, a picture caught my eye that was inside the purse. It was a picture of me and a little boy that had sandy blonde hair with blue eyes. Was he my nephew? Did I even have brothers or sisters? Maybe he was a kid that I baby set. The picture made us look like we were closer than that though. I wondered who he was. I put the picture in my purse, and put it back on the chair. My mind wondered back over to the guy that was in my room. I couldn't help but notice how blue his eyes were. They were so beautiful, and I noticed his muscles too. Ok I really need to figure out who I am...


Brooke's POV

"What if I showed Haley some pictures of me and her. Maybe it will help her remember who she is?" I suggested to the guys.

"I don't think it will work." Lucas spoke up.

"Well it's worth a shot right?"

"Your right Brooke. Go see if it helps." Nathan said packing his things. He gets to leave today.

"Ok. I hope it works." I grabbed my phone and walked to Haley's room. I knocked on the door and walked in when she said come in.

"Hey." i said closing the door behind me.

"Hi. And you are?" she asked raising her brows.

"I'm Brooke."

"Nice to meet you Brooke." I felt tears in my eyes. If it hurts me this bad, I can't imagine how Nathan is feeling.

"That's the thing. We've already met Haley. In fact were best friends."

"Oh I'm sorry. My mind is a little fuzzy."

"Do you remember anyone at all?" I asked sitting down in a chair next to her bed.

"I don't know anyone. I don't even know who my parents are to be honest and I don't even know who I am."

"I'm so sorry Haley." I can't believe she doesn't remember anything. There's so much that we would have to tell her. Her dad died. She was abused by Chris. She has Jamie that was also abused. She's dating Nathan, and is pregnant right now. How do we tell her all that?

"It's ok. It's not your fault."

"Do you mind if I show you some pictures. To see if it might bring some sort of memory to you?"

"Sure." I pulled out my phone and showed her a picture of me and her at Karen Cafe. We were laughing to something one of us said. I looked at her face to see if I saw any reaction. "Anything?"

"I'm sorry Brooke, but I don't remember."

"What about this one?" I showed her a picture of me and her sitting while she was smiling at me saying something. I looked good in that photo just saying.

"I still don't remember Brooke. Who's the guy standing next you and the blonde girl standing next to me?" She asked in the next photo I showed her.

"That is Lucas. He's my boyfriend, and your number one best friend. Peyton is also your best friend."

"Is that a club?" she asked smiling.

"Yeah. Not only is it a club, but we own it."

"How do we own a club?"

"It's a long story."

"Um if you don't mind me asking. Where do I live?"

"You live with Nathan and Jamie." I didn't want to tell her who they were to her because it's not my place to tell her.

"Nathan? Was that the guy that was in here earlier?"

"Yeah. How did you know?"

"I don't know. I just had a feeling that was his name when you said it. Who are they to me?"

I knew she was going to ask that.

Hey guys..I know it's short, but you only gave me a day to do it because you voted so fast and voted what I wanted. I thank you for that. I love reading the comments they make me happy that I am writing this story so feel free to comment about the story and what you think would happen next or something. Or maybe what you want to happen next. Anyways thanks again! I will update when I have 8 votes this time and about 6 comments! Look forward to the next chapters.

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