Part 8

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Wonyoung's POV

I excused myself from Ryujin, Minji, and the others, making my way through the lively crowd towards the restroom. 

The encounter with Jiyeon and her friends had left a bitter taste in my mouth, but I tried to shake off the negativity. 

As I headed back, I spotted Jiyeon again, this time accompanied by a tall, imposing figure—the very man who had antagonized me earlier.

My heart sank as I realized they were heading straight towards me. Jiyeon's eyes locked onto mine, a malicious smirk playing on her lips. Before I could react, the man who I rude the that man earlier stepped in front of me, blocking my path with an intimidating stance.

"Well, well, well," he drawled, his voice dripping with condescension. "Look who we have here. It's our scholarship girl pretending to be someone she's not."

I bristled at his tone but kept my composure. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Jiyeon laughed scornfully. "Oh, come on, Wonyoung. Don't play dumb. You were just boasting to Taehyun here about your prestigious family, weren't you?"

Taehyun ahh his name, he narrowed his eyes at me, suspicion clouding his features. "Is it true? Are you really the oldest daughter of the Jang family?"

I felt a surge of anger and humiliation. They were trying to expose me, to strip away the facade I had carefully maintained. But I wasn't about to let them succeed.

"I don't owe you any explanations," I retorted, my voice firm despite my racing heart.

Taehyun's expression darkened. "You're a liar," he spat. "You think you can just waltz into these circles and deceive everyone?"

Before I could respond, Jiyeon stepped forward, a wicked glint in her eyes. "Let's expose her right here, right now. Show everyone what a fraud she is."

My mind raced, searching for a way out of the escalating confrontation. Just then, a voice cut through the tension—a voice I didn't expect but desperately needed.

Author's pov

Just then, a commanding voice cut through the crowd. "What's going on here?"

 Wonyoung turned to see the woman Wonyoung had helped earlier striding towards them, her eyes blazing with fury. "Let her go."

Taehyun sneered. "Stay out of this. This is between us and the fraud."

The woman's expression hardened. "You have no idea who you're dealing with. Release her now."

Taehyun laughed mockingly. "And who are you to give orders? Just because you a poor brat earlier doesn't mean you have any real power here."

The woman's eyes never left his. "You have no idea who I am, do you?"

Taehyun's bravado wavered slightly. "What are you talking about?"

Her expression remained unyielding. "I'm An Yujin, of the An family. And you, Kang Taehyun, just made a grave mistake."

Taehyun scoffed. "An family? Nice try. But I'm not buying it. You think you can scare me with some made-up identity?"

Yujin's expression remained unyielding. "You don't believe me? Fine. Let's see how long your arrogance lasts."

Before Taehyun could react, Yujin pulled out her phone and made a call. "Minji, it's Yujin. I need you to take immediate action against the Kang family. Yes, it's urgent. They need to understand the consequences of their actions."

Taehyun rolled his eyes, still not convinced. "This is ridiculous. You really expect me to believe that you're from the An family?"

Just then, Taehyun's phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID and his face paled. "Hello? dad?"

His expression changed from one of irritation to sheer panic as he listened to the furious voice on the other end. "What do you mean we're bankrupt? No, I didn't... I didn't know she was... dad, please!"

Taehyun's father continued to berate him, making it clear that the Kang family's assets were being seized and their influence shattered. The once-arrogant Taehyun was now a picture of despair and panic.

Yujin ended her call and looked at Taehyun with icy disdain. "Believe me now?"

Taehyun dropped his phone, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "Yujin, please. I didn't know. You have to help me."

Yujin's eyes were cold. "You should have thought about the consequences before you acted. It's too late now."Jiyeon, who had been silent in shock, finally found her voice. "This isn't fair! You can't just ruin us!"

Yujin's gaze shifted to Jiyeon, her expression unreadable. "You made your choices, Jiyeon. Now you have to live with them."

As the reality of their situation sank in, Taehyun and Jiyeon were left standing in the middle of the party, humiliated and defeated. The guests around them began to whisper, the news of the 

Kang family's downfall spreading like wildfire.

Yujin turned to me, her eyes softening slightly. "Are you okay?" Wonyoung nodded, still shaken but grateful. "Yes, thank you."

Yujin's demeanor remained cold, but there was a hint of warmth in her eyes. "I helped you because you helped me earlier. We're even now."

Wonyoung managed a small smile. "Thank you, but I don't even know your name."

She gave a curt nod. "An Yujin."

As Yujin walked away, Wonyoung glanced at Yujin, a question burning in my mind. "Why did you help me? You was so rude!"

Yujin's smile widened. "Because no one should have to face such injustice alone. And besides," she added with a wink, "I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of each other."

With that, they walked out of the venue, leaving behind the chaos and stepping into a new beginning.

"Note: English isn't my first language, so I hope you all enjoy it. I'm putting a lot of effort into this!" I don't have any ideas for the next part. Should I stop here? Guys after your reading please give me your feedback. I need it to improve my writing skill.... Thank you so much

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