Part 10

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Author's Pov

Yujin and Wonyoung's honeymoon in New York was a meticulously planned affair, arranged by their families to cement their union. The flight from their hometown was a lavish affair, first-class seats and personalized service emphasizing the importance of their marriage in their families' eyes.

As they settled into their seats on the plane, Yujin maintained her composed demeanor, while Wonyoung wrestled with a mix of emotions—reluctance, duty, and a hint of curiosity about what lay ahead in New York City.

Their arrival in New York was met with the same level of opulence. They were chauffeured to a luxurious hotel overlooking Central Park, where a suite awaited them adorned with flowers and amenities fit for royalty. It was clear that every detail had been meticulously planned to showcase their families' wealth and status.

Throughout their honeymoon, they navigated the city as companions rather than lovers. They visited iconic landmarks, attended cultural events, and dined at exclusive restaurants, all under the watchful eyes of their families and the public.

In quieter moments, Yujin and Wonyoung found themselves reflecting on the weight of their responsibilities. Yujin struggled with the guilt of deceiving Wonyoung and the pressure to uphold her family's expectations. Wonyoung, too, felt the weight of her duty as a daughter and now as a wife, torn between her personal desires and her obligations.

Yet, amidst the grandeur and the pretense, they found moments of genuine connection. Whether it was sharing a laugh over a cultural misunderstanding or quietly watching the sunset from their hotel room, they began to forge a tentative bond—a mutual understanding born out of their shared circumstances.

As they stood together on the observation deck of the Empire State Building, looking out at the sprawling city below, Yujin reached for Wonyoung's hand. It was a gesture of solidarity, a silent acknowledgment of the path they were now destined to walk together.

Their honeymoon was not about love or passion, but about duty and responsibility—a union orchestrated by their families for strategic purposes. Yet, in the midst of their arranged marriage, Yujin and Wonyoung discovered a shared resilience—a determination to navigate their new reality with dignity and grace.

As the last day in New York, their honeymoon became a distant memory, but the bond they had begun to forge in New York would shape their journey ahead—a journey marked by duty, honor, and the complexities of their intertwined destinies.

Yujin's Pov

I and Wonyoung had arrived in New York for their honeymoon, a trip arranged by our families to solidify our union. Despite the picturesque setting and luxurious accommodations, our relationship remained strained. What was supposed to be a time of celebration felt more like an obligation—a duty they both struggled to fulfill.

On our last evening in New York, I and Wonyoung decided to explore the vibrant city together. We wandered through bustling streets and quaint cafes, the air thick with unspoken tension. Wonyoung had been distant, her mind seemingly elsewhere, and I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled between us.

As we walked hand in hand through Times Square, a bustling hub of lights and laughter, I noticed Wonyoung's gaze linger on a man across the street. He was tall and striking, with a 

confident air that drew attention wherever he went. My instincts bristled with suspicion, a familiar knot of jealousy tightening in my chest. Jealousy?? what did I just say ? no no not like that...

"Wonyoung," I began cautiously, my voice tinged with apprehension. "Do you know that man?"

Wonyoung hesitated, her expression guarded. "He's... an old friend," she replied evasively, her eyes flickering away.

I frowned, a pang of unease gnawing at my gut. "How old?" she pressed, her tone sharper than she intended.

Wonyoung sighed, her shoulders tensing imperceptibly. "It's complicated, Yujin. Please, let's not ruin tonight."

I answered with a unable to believe something " Okay" and I excuse myself to bathroom. after I came back, I saw something unbelievable. My heart sank as I witnessed Wonyoung in a tender embrace with that man on our last night in New York. The scene unfolded before I like a cruel twist of fate, shattering the fragile bond we had begun to build.

Without thinking, I rushed forward, my emotions raw and unfiltered. I pushed the man away, his startled expression mirroring my own confusion and anger. Turning to Wonyoung, my voice trembled with hurt and betrayal.

"Wonyoung," my words came out in a choked whisper, my eyes burning with unshed tears. "That night, you said you weren't Gaeul. Why?"

Wonyoung's expression flickered with a mix of guilt and disbelief. "Yujin, it's not what you think," she protested, her hands reaching out in a futile attempt to explain.

But my pain had already hardened into anger. "Don't lie to me!" I exclaimed, my voice cracking with emotion. "I trusted you."

My heart pounded with a mixture of anger and hurt as I watched the man smirk at me, his eyes gleaming with a taunting challenge. His whispered words cut through the night air like a knife, amplifying my already raw emotions.

"You're just like her, aren't you?" he sneered, his voice laced with malicious intent. "Always playing games."

My hands clenched into fists, my nails digging into my palms as I fought to control the surge of rage threatening to consume me. I took a step forward, my voice low and dangerous. "Get out of here before I make you regret it."

The man's smirk widened, clearly enjoying the turmoil he had caused. "Or what? You'll hit me again?" he mocked, taking a deliberate step closer to me.

Before I could stop myself, I lunged forward, my fury propelling my into action. I shoved the man hard, catching him off guard as he stumbled back. His smirk faltered, replaced by surprise and a hint of fear.

"Don't test me," I warned through gritted teeth, my eyes blazing with intensity. "Stay away from her."

With that final warning, I turned away, my chest heaving with exertion and emotion. I refused to look back, unwilling to give the man the satisfaction of seeing my break down further. Instead, I focused on the sound of my own ragged breaths and the distant hum of the city around me.

Wonyoung stood nearby, her eyes wide with shock and guilt. She opened her mouth to speak, but I held up a hand, silencing me. "Not now," I whispered hoarsely, my voice thick with unshed tears. "Just... not now."

And with those words hanging heavily between them,I walked away, leaving Wonyoung to wrestle with my own remorse and the fractured trust that now lay shattered between us.

"I thought... I thought we were starting to understand each other," my voice wavered, my gaze pleading for an explanation that could make sense of it all.

Wonyoung took a step closer, her own eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Yujin, please," she implored, her voice barely above a whisper. "He's just a friend. It's complicated."

I shook my head, my fists clenched in frustration. "Complicated? You're married to me, Wonyoung, even though you don't love me and I don't love you. please respect each other." I choked out, the reality of our arranged union crashing down around us.

"I know," Wonyoung's admission hung heavy in the air, a painful reminder of the expectations and obligations that had brought them together.

Silence settled between us, punctuated only by the distant sounds of the city. I fought to control the storm of emotions raging within my—a mix of hurt, betrayal, and a lingering flicker of hope.

"I don't know if I can trust you," I admitted finally, my voice tinged with resignation. And I walked to the hotel and followed by my wife...

Thank you
"Not the end guys not the guys"

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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