Chapter Five: Lelo Junior

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"He knows."

"He's been waiting so long for you."

"Be your everything."

"Take away everything."

"Amy? You okay?" I lifted my head up to look at my mom.

"Yeah...just weird night."

"Had trouble sleeping?"

"Bad dreams." My thoughts drifted back to the woman, I didn't remember her face or anything about her at all, her words were the only thing I could recall. And also the fact that the house seemed different. The hallway, the sitting area... it seemed the same but everything looked from a different time.

"It's just the house. It's been a long time since you've been here." She was busy putting away the glasses into their respective cabinets. The day started off with me waking up groggy and then ending up trying to clean up the place and give it a homey feel. Dad chose to tidy up the library and the sitting area while mom and I were busy with the kitchen and the dining area. Most of the morning went by and currently it was half past noon.

"Maybe you're right..."

"Of course I'm right! Why else would you be having bad dreams? It's just your mind making things up. What was the dream about though?" She let out a satisfied sigh as she looked at the perfectly arranged glasses and turned around to look at me.

I chewed on my bottom lip before mumbling out a "nothing". I always shared everything with her but for some reason, I wanted to keep this to myself. Maybe because it didn't feel like it was my mind making things up...but how would I explain it to her without sounding insane? I dragged them both out of the city to a different place so that I could get better... saying that my dream felt more like a vision or a warning will not really sound like "better" in any shape or form.

"I'm going out for a walk." I yelled out as I made my way outside. The sun shone high and bright today but the air still had a slight chill to it. Taking a deep breath, I walked down the stairs and started to follow the path that I usually used to take.

The woods seemed alive more than ever. The air was filled with the whistles and chirps of the birds and the rustling of the leaves. Walking further into the woods, my mind became quiet. Thoughts about the dream started to slip away and before I knew it, I couldn't even remember what I had dreamt about.

I halted and my face scrunched into confusion. I couldn't recall anything about the dream.

The fuck is happening? 

I realized it was eerily quiet.

My face snapped up as I surveyed my surroundings. The air was still. No leaves rustling, no birds chirping. It was quiet. Too quiet.

A slight feeling of dread crept along my spine. "I'm overthinking. It's just the new environment, nothing more. I've been down this path, nothing's wrong..." I kept repeating the words as I started to walk further in. The sound of water falling slowly started to break the eerie silence. My pace quickened in it's direction.

Before I knew it, I was standing in front of the waterfall. A shitting eating grin broke out on my face as I looked at the beauty in front of me. 

Oh my fucking God! I was really losing it for a minute there.

I let out  a little laugh. This place was exactly the same as I remembered. It used to be my favourite spot to go to whenever I visited. My mind went back to the painting of the little boy. It seemed to be taken here. There were a couple of boulders sitting near the edge of the water but they didn't resemble the ones in the painting.

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