Chapter Six: From afar

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She didn't feel my presence in the start. I watched as she made her way down the same path she took as a little child. Something melted in me at the sight of her. It had been long, too long since I last saw her. I don't think she even remembers me.

It doesn't matter though. I'll make sure she'll never forgets me ever again.

She stopped for a moment and I watched her beautiful face pull into a frown. She was forgetting the dream...good. She wasn't ready to find out about me yet. She never should have had the dream in the first place. But some things are out of my control.

She looked around and I saw her panic a bit. I guess she felt the woods go silent. Whenever I stepped foot into the woods, all creatures seemed to take note of me. They become even more cautious when I'm near the waterfall, the same waterfall that she is currently making her way towards.

I smiled as I saw her rest her feet in the water. She loved being here as a child. Always playing in the water, always dragging me with her to swim. I slowly stepped out of the shadows and started to make my way towards her quietly. She hadn't noticed me yet.

I was a good two feet from her when her phone rang. I didn't stop walking until I was just a feet behind her. 

She was breathing hard and fast, clutching at her shirt. My anger flared up. Something or rather someone was bothering her. My hands itched to touch her. To pull her into my chest and comfort her until she relaxed again.

Patience. All in due time...

Her phone rang again and she finally mustered up the courage to answer. I listened to her entire conversation.

We broke up, James.

Deep inside Ariel..

I called off the wedding.

Jackpot I hit, Amelia.

Who knows what the future holds? 

My anger hit a new found high. She had been in a relationship with a boy, James or whatever the fuck his name was and he had apparently cheated on her with someone named Ariel. How can someone be so stupid to cheat on such a beautiful girl like her? Jealousy coiled inside my heart at the thought of some mediocre boy touching my soulmate. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

She doesn't remember me, she doesn't know about anything. It's natural for a girl her age to date. 

I opened my eyes and watched her talk to him a bit more. A part of me pained at the thought of her considering someone else to marry.

James better not wander into these woods, he might find himself in a bit of trouble.

She cried after ending the phone call and I watched her get up and start walking herself back to her house. It bothered me to see her like this.

Life hadn't been kind to her.

It was getting dark when I felt him creep up towards me and nuzzle against my legs.

"I need your help." I said as I knelt down beside him. His big blue eyes came into view as he turned to stare at me.

"She's not doing good and you know I can't be of help to her right now. I want you to enter her house and look after her until I come to her."

He stayed quiet but narrowed his eyes. "I won't ever abandon you! You know that! You can come visit me whenever you like. You know where to find me. As soon as I'm in her life, I'll be with you too."

He gave me a little nod and ran in the direction she had taken. I stayed in the shadows and followed after them.

I watched as she brought him to her chest and asked him the most important question of all.

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