Chapter 3

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Ash followed Mr. Wilhelm to a room where Ash supposedly is having a "bonding" ceremony. When Ash entered the room, the first thing that caught her attention was a tall guy. 'he's handsome' Ash thought. Now, Ash isn't the type of girl who checks out a guy but she just couldn't stop staring at the golden eyes of that boy. Golden as in literally golden. His hair was also gold in color. 'Did his mother eat a lot of gold when she was pregnant with him or something?' Ash thought to herself. But there was something else in those eyes of it. It was cold, devoid of any emotion. His face was unsmiling as he met Ash's. 

"How many times have I told that I don't need a human?" he said in a cold metallic voice.

"You don't have an option here Mr. Spade." Mr. Wilhelm answered him back.

"Let's just get it done with." he said.

'He isn't going to ask my name?'  Ash thought. 'Fine, let him be.'

"Miss solace, you must drop your blood in this ink." Mr. Wilhelm said giving Ash a pot of ink. 

Ash did as he told and that guy Mara did the same. Once it was done, Mr. Wilhelm tool a little needle and tattooed a symbol on both of their hands. 

"It's done." Mr. Wilhelm said. 

"That's it?" Ash asked.

Mr. Wilhelm just nodded. "A complete schedule of what classes you'll have will be given to you. And I hope you won't be causing any trouble." he said and handed Ash a bundle of paper. 

Mara just gave her a glance before he left. 'That jerk!'


It was supposed to be Ash's science class but she was lost. She was roaming around when she bumped into a short blond guy.

"Are you lost?" he asked but what caught Ash's attention was his tongue. It was like a snake's.

"Ah yes. Sorry about that but I'm new here." Ash replied. 

"Are you the new human that was supposed to be bonded with Mara spade?" he asked.

"Yes that would be me." Ash said. 

"I suppose your first class is science? I'm going there to so why don't you join me?" he asked.

"I would like that thank you. Oh by the way I'm Ash Solace." she replied.

"I'm Damion Namion." he said extending his hand. Ash took it. 

"Well well look at that. The lizard finally found a wall to stick at." A nasty voice said from behind. 

Ash turned to see Elizabeth and two other people. 

"If I were you human, I would stay away from him." She said laughing as she went.

"That nerve." Ash muttered.

"It's not worth it Ash, I'm used to it anyways. My guardian animal is the lizard and as you can see, I'm not very respected." Damion said. 

"But still, that is no excuse." Ash argued.

"If you wanna help me, would you like to be my friend?" he asked Ash.

"I would like that." Ash smiled as they headed towards class.


It's been several days since Ash started hanging out with Damien. Even now Ash was waiting for him when a pair of golden eyes met hers. It was Mara. Ash just ignored him.

"I'm here to warn you brunette, don't involve with that lizard. he's bad news." he said.

"If only I could get a penny every time I heard that, I would be super rich. And also, the name's Ash." she said.

"Whatever. Just don't say I didn't warn you." he said and left.

'That jerk!'

"Are you ready to go Ash?" Damien asked when he returned.

"Yes." she replied.


Later that night Ash got the same dream again but there was an improvement. She could have sworn that the boy who talked to her had black hair with one eye red and the other brown. 

'I need to clear my head.'  Ash thought to herself.

She took a hoodie and went outside to get some fresh air. The entire dorm was silent. So in order not to wake anybody, she went a bit further into the garden. She was about to settle down when she heard weird slurping noises nearby.  She went over to check it and the sight that met her was one she could never prepare herself for. There was a dead body lying there. She identified it as one of the guys that was bothering Ash and Damien today. But that thing that shocked her the most was that Damien stood near the body slurping the blood dripping from the heart of the man he just killed. 

"Ash dear, you shouldn't be out hear this late. What if you catch a cold?" Damien asked in his usual sweet voice.


So that's it for the third chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed the plot twist!!

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