Chapter 11

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Zeke's POV

All eyes to Zeke. Some curious, some pitying, some outright disgusting and some excitement. With quick reflexes, Zeke sent out a quick SOS message to Magnus and walked towards the center. Uncle Ron gave her a frightened look but quickly hid it.

"Miss Ash Solace, you are now in the presence of the most important people of the demon kingdom. Please bow down to give them your respects." He said.

Zeke bowed down and came back up. She was hurt seeing the look of cold disgust in her family's face. 

"Mara, is it true that I heard from miss Elizabeth that you're having a relationship with this human." Uncle Soren asked. Mara was about to reply when he was interrupted by queen Alina (Elizabeth's mother)

"There is no point in asking him. After all my daughter did see him going into that filth's room." she snapped. Zeke took a deep breath to calm herself.

"My dear Alina, we must give a chance for that boy to explain himself." Zeke's dad said.

"Uncle Vandel I swear I'm not lying." Elizabeth said with disgustingly pitiable face.

"Of course I believe you Liz. But maybe Mara went into that girl's room without knowing who she was." Zeke's father said.

"Or maybe this wretched human tricked Mara into coming there." Zeke's mother said. This comment made Zeke almost cry. Seeing the hurt in her face, Elizabeth gave a satisfying smirk. 

Mara POV.  

Mara who watched it got so angry but seeing Zeke almost in tears was the last straw. 

"ENOUGH!" he shouted. "JUST LISTEN TO ME FOR A SECOND! First of all, I never considered and I never will consider Elizabeth as my fiance. I told you that it would always be Zeke." 

He saw Zeke turning red but that was better than seeing her cry. 

"Oh come on Mara. We've been through this before. I know and agree that Zeke is your fiance but Elizabeth being your fiance is a backup plan. Of course if Zeke returns she will be your fiance. But Zeke isn't the issue here. The the issue is this human." Mara's father said pointing at Zeke.

"Now then Mara Spade. Do you have any relationship with her? And swear upon your family's honor when answering so that we can see if you're telling the truth." Queen Alina said. Now this put Mara in a difficult place. Swearing upon your family's honor means you have to tell the truth. There is no option. 

"I swear upon my family's honor that I have a relationship with her." Mara said giving Zeke an apologetic look. Zeke returned a look that said it was fine and the truth was going to come out sooner or later. 

Zeke POV

At this comment the whole family was thrown into uproar with Elizabeth crying hysterically. Attero quickly silenced them.

"In my opinion, I don't blame Mara. After all this human does have a reputation of hooking up with a scarlet demon before. " he said throwing a glare in the direction of Zeke.

 "Oh come on Mr. Scarlet. I've told you before that I passed out at that time and do not know what happened." Zeke said faked angering but in the inside, she was amused. After all she couldn't wait to see his reaction when he finds out who she is. 

"Oh now? Then swear upon your title that you have no connection with that scarlet demon." Attero asked.

"I-I-Ah." Zeke stuttered

"Hmph I thought so." He said "You see now Mara. You have involved yourself with a disgusting hu-" But before he could finish, a guy wearing a helmet pounced on Attero. He was about to punch him right in the eye when Zeke stopped him. With her quick thinking, she figured out who it was. 

"Calm down calm down." Zeke said pulling at his arm.


"I'm telling you to calm down precisely because he is a disgusting stinkin' stupid brat." Zeke said. At this comment the whole school was in uproar. 

"SILENCE!" Queen Alina yelled "How dare a mere human like you call a demon, a Scarlet demon no less, with such disrespect."

"Why can't I call him like that? There is nothing wrong with calling my own brother like that is there?" Zeke asked raising her eye brow. Mara, uncle Ron and Uncle Cain smirked at this.

"W-What?" Zeke's dad asked.

"Oh Please allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Ezekiel Sybella Scarlet. Zeke for short." she said making a dramatic bow. At this, uncle Cain released his ability and Zeke's natural appearance returned. "Any questions?" she asked.

Zeke's dad was the first to come out of his shock. He quickly came over and hugged Zeke who happily returned the gesture. Next was her mom who cried and hugged her and apologized for calling her the weird names at the beginning. Zeke of course immediately forgave her.  All her brothers except Attero came and hugged her. Attero was last. Just to tease him, Zeke said 

"Oh I thought I was a 'filthy human'" 

"Zeke I'm-" he started.

"Oh come on ya dofus." she said and hugged him. He was the one to hug her the longest.

"You know it wouldn't hurt to at least fist bump me. After all, You haven't seen me for a long time either." The helmet guy said.

"Who is this Zeke?" Attero asked confused.

"Oh right you forgot to remove your helmet brother." Zeke said laughing just as the guy removed his helmet.

Attero gave a gasp and proceeded to hug him next.  "Oh my god Maggie." 

"Hey Attie." Magnus replied. Those two had a weird knack for nick names. After all they were best friends. 

"Adrian!" Zeke's mom called him and hugged. Just like how Nara considers Zeke as her own daughter, Zeke's mom also consider Magnus as her own son. After all the were best friends and cousins and Magnus also calls Zeke's mom as his own mom.

"Hi Mom." he said. 

"Oh Hi uncie Soren." Zeke called out waving dramatically. 

"Well well well. If it isn't my favorite niece." That earned a few amused protests. 

Elizabeth was so shocked. Zeke purposefully went near her her and faked being sincere "Oh my dear cousin Liz. So So sorry for dumping this responsibility of being a fiance on your head. Don't worry. I'll just take it back now. You don't have any objections do you your majesty?" 


"Well then do you hear that Mar mar. You're stuck with me again." Zeke said smirking.

"Oh gosh." Mara groaned. 

"Stop Acting Mara we all remember everything you said." Everyone shouted at him.

"By the way where were you all this time? Why did you disappear?" Uncle Soren asked.

"I think I should explain that in private." She said opting a more serious look.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23 ⏰

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