Chapter 3

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I wake up and stretch. Ugh, it's really early. I jump out of Appa's saddle and hear hushed voices. "Why doesn't he just do it already!" a voice says. "He said he was planning to because he got his head out of the gutter. Don't you trust him?" another voice says. I shake my head and walk away from the strange conversation. All of a sudden Katara runs up towards me and says, "Hey Jet wants us to go fill up the resivoir!" I nod and we all follow him to an empty basin. We get there and I easily bend the water into the basin. Once we finish Katara wants to go see Jet so we do and when we get up there they are filling up the sides of the dam with red barrels. Blasting jelly. "H-he's going to blow the dam," I murmur. Katara looks at me shocked and says, "He wouldn't do that." "Yes I would," a voice from behind us says. Now I'm pissed. I throw my arms out expecting water to flow from the basin at Jet but instead seeing blue blames shoot towards him. He jumps and looks at me in shock. "Whoa!" Aang says. "Yeah, whoa," I mutter. I shake my hed and make an ice xage around Jet as he stares at me in shock. Not this time. He struggles and I stand back glaring. But it's too late-an arrow that's lit on fire shoots out and hits the dam-and it falls. But suddenly Sokka flies in with Appa and jumps down. "I got the villagers out. The old man from the forest stood up for me when the villagers didn't believe me and everyone got out safely on time," he says. A small smile flicks onto my face as soon as it goes away and Jet starts yelling. We fly off and Katara says, "You know you're going the wrong way right?" We laugh as Sokka's eyes go wide and his ears turn red as we turn around. "Right," he mutters...Here we go again.

Sorry this is so short but report cards come out soon and I've been doing extra credit like crazy! I posted what I had so I'm going to TRY to get something posted sooner next time! That's just a picture of one of my favorite bands called Ours!

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