Chapter 2

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I jolt awake from a nightmare, more like a flashback, of when my mom was killed. I look around to make sure that no one is awake and grab out my blade. One. Two. Three. Four. Fi- "Hey Kata, what're you doing awake?" I jump and look around to see Aang looking at me. I hide my blade in my sleeping bag and shrug. "Nightmare?" Aang asks. I nod. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asks. I shake my head no and he says, "Ok, well, try to get some sleep." he says and lies back down. I grab the cloth from the poket where my blade was and stop the bleeding. I cover my wrists back up with my sleeves and put the stuff back into the pocket in my sleeping bag. I lay down finally shaking but calm and fall back asleep.

{After they go to the North Pole}

We start putting our stuff onto the large black leather saddle on Appa but Sokka says, "No-no, no, we're not flying this time, my instincts tell me we should walk. I mean how do you think Zuko keeps finding us? Appa's pretty noticable!" Katara buts in and says, "Hey! Appa's not noticable!" "He's a giant fluffy hairball with an arrow on his head!" Sokka says. "It's ok Appa, Sokka's just jealous he doesn't have an arrow," Aang says. We walk after some discussion about who the leader is that I zoned out during and Aang and Katara are making fun of Sokka's instincts now that they're tired of walking. "Hey! I hate walking just as much as you do but at least we're safe from the fire nation! You don't see Kata comlaining do you?" Sokka says. Just then we pass a shrub and what do you know, we're in the middle of a fire nation camp. Just figures. "If you let us go we promise not to hurt you!" Sokka says. "What are you doing?" Katara whispers to him. "Bluffing," he whispers back. Just then, someone jumps down from the trees and attacks the fire nation soldiers. Whoa! This dude with twin tiger swords just basically took out a whole army! He introduses himself as Jet and the Freedom Fighters. He comes over to me and says, "Hey, I didn't quite catch your name." "It's Kata," I say. I wonder where that came from. I almost never talk! "Kata, well your eyes are really pretty Kata. Why do they change color?" he asks. "I don't know, I was just born with it I suppose," I say. 'Huh, cool. So, are you a bender?" he says. "Yeah, I'm the Guardian, so I can bend all of the elements," I say looking down. "Cool. Katara told me about your parents, I'm so sorry. My parents were killed by the fire nation too. When we get back to the hideout, I want to talk to you, alone, ok?" he says. "Sure," I say. We walk until we get to the hideout Jet grabs a rope and gives it to Sokka. Sokka gets flewn up into the air and then Katara and Aang go. Jet tells me to grab onto his hand so I do and we go up to the most amazing tree house ever. I follow Jet away from everybody else and he says, "Give me your wrists." I bite my lip and shake my head no. "I won't hurt you I just want to see. I promise," Jet says. I hesitantly give him my arms and he pulls up the sleeves to reveal my hundreds of scars and fresh cuts from last night's nightmares. "Oh Kata, I thought you'd have cuts, but I never thought that it would this bad! You've got to stop! Promise me you'll stop," he says."I-I-I'm sorry, but I can't make a promise that I can't keep," I say looking down. He lifts my chin up and says, "Hey, it's ok, you'll be fine. Why don't we just go see the others, have you told any of them?" he asks. "No!" I say. "Don't worry, I won't tell them," he says. "Thanks," I say. I turn to go see Katara but he grabs my arm making sure not to hurt my cuts and spins me around. Before I can ask what he needs he kisses me! Litterally full on the lips! He parts and smirks. He walks away and I go find Katara. "Hey Katara!" I say. "Well, someone's talkative today! And your eyes are a different color! What's up with you? Your eyes are dark purple!" Katara says. "They are? How weird. Uh, nothing's up! That's so strange!" I say. "It's Jet isn't it! Ohh, I knew it!" Katara says. I look down and smile a little. "You knew what?" Aang asks coming towards us. "Nothing, but I think Kata over here has a crush on Jet!" Katara says and I slap her arm playfully. "Why do you have to go and tell the world!" I ask. She smiles and rolls her eyes then walks away. Something about finding Sokka I think she said. I look to Aang who looks sad for a second but then snapped out of it. "I'm going to go find Katara so she doesn't tellSokka and get me killed," I say. I walk around and finally find Katara and Sokka talking to Jet about some mission. "I heard the word mission!" I yell when I get over there. "Yup! You, Aang, and Katara are going to waterbend some underground water through some vents to fill up the resevior," Jet says. "Okay!" I say. Katara practically drags Sokka away and I laugh at them. I look to Jet who's currently looking at me and smiling. "What?" I ask. "Your eyes changed colors again," he says. "What color are they?" I ask. "Well at first they were dark purple and then they changed to emerald green," he says. "Really? That means I'm happy. Before my mom was killed they used to always be green. After that they almost always are violet, Sokka and Katara don't know I have depression so they just assume that was my usual eye color," I say with a shrug. "I'm sorry that happened to you. You know, you're not the only one with scars, if it makes you feel any better," he saysshowing me his wrists. There were scars, none of them were recent, and there weren't as many, but there were many scars. "I'm sorry," I say. "It's ok, it's not your fault.It was the fire nation," he says. "Just don't let your hate for the fire nation go too far. Sometimes you can end up hurting the ones you care about the most just by being blind to what's really happening. My friend Catrine had so much hatred for the fire nation, she killed a child that was fire nation but had caused no harm. And she drowned a whole village just to rid it of the fire nation. But with everyone dead, that village was not free, it was just filled with wandering souls that were trapped looking for peace. Although I know you would never do that, it still haunts me that she did that," I say. He looks as if he's lost in thought but then says, "It's ok, I won't. I promise, I've got to go to a meeting so we can discuss what we're going to do next, but I'll see you after that ok?" he says. I smile and nod. He kisses my cheek and leaves.

JET'S POV (didn't see that one coming, did 'ya:)

We were going to bomb the dam so we could rid the town of the fire nation honestly, but after what she said I just can't. I have been letting my hatred of the fire nation cntrol me. But now that's going to stop. "Hey Long shot, We're not going to blast the dam ok, can you tell the others for me please,?" He nods and goes to tell the others.


I hop on Appa and fall asleep without any nightmares tonight I hope.

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