Chapter 4

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Heeeeeyyyy Guys, yeah I know I haven't updated in awhile but I'm working on it. I've been having a pretty hard time lately. But, that's no excuse anymore so I decided to continue on because I've gotten requests to update! Thanks guys so much and this chapter is dedicated to you guys out there supporting me! Btw the song at the top is absolutely and one hundred percent my favorite song of all time right now! I loooove Twenty One Pilots! l-/

We're currently helping out two different groups of travelers that have a century's old feud going on. It kind of sucks. Sokka and Katara have been fighting like crazy so I've been hanging out with Aang more just to hide basically. I've been talking less than ever lately too, they know how much I despise fighting. Plus my cutting has gotten worse. I've been working on my firebending recently and It's so cool! My fire changes colors with my emotions. I'm sitting here meditating on the top of a mountain-like structure while Aang sleeps-it's four in the morning after all. "Hey! What are you doing up so early?" Aang chirps suddenly, bringing me out of my meditation state and startling me. I shrug and he nods, grinning obliviously. We continue walking until we find the end of the canyon, finding a large cliff and canyon crawlers that were attracted by the food the two groups brought along. Aang helps the groups get free and basically the two groups reunite with some lying. So now we're off to somewhere, don't ask me anymore, I don't listen really. I'm just sitting on the saddle on Appa as Sokka and Katara, thankfully, make up.

A/N Hey guys, I know that it's SUPER short but I was just kind of uninspired and didn't know how to continue one, hopefully I'll have something up soon!

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