Chapter 1

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"Sokka, look!" Katara, my sister says as she holds up a fish in a floating orb of water. Flipping my bangs out of my view, I stare into the cold water at my reflection. I have black hair that has blue streaks in it that I was born with, and I have violet eyes that change color with my mood. To my tribe and most people in general, I'm just weird. My sister and my brother don't know, but I've got depression and I hide it well, including my cuts. They don't know that either. They treat me like a child still. I have pale skin when I don't get any sun, but when I get under the sunlight I'm almost like as tan as my siblings. The first time I remember having problems with my depression was when the Fire Nation attacked our village and killed our mother in front of me. Katara forgot I was in our hut with our mother and ran to go get my father, although she was too late.


"No! If I tell you who the last water bender is will you let my children go?" my mom said to a black and red clad soldier as I crouch behind her bed with Katara shoved behind my mother. "Sure," the man says. "I-It's me," mom says. "No!" I yell just as soon as the man hit mom with a fire ball. He walks away like nothing ever happens. "Kata!" Katara yells running to me with Sokka and Dad. "He killed h-her!" I say, tears running in a relentless strem down my flushed cheeks. "You saw it?" Sokka asks. "Y-yes," I confirm, and he barely manages to hold back his own tears as our father rushes up to us with Katara in his grip sobbing wildly into his shoulder.

End of Flashback.

I hardly talk anymore now, and it took two years to get me to start back after that happened. I've stopped crying though, I think it shows weakness, and I'm no longer weak. I was when that man killed her, I could bend then too, I could've helped her had I known anything about it. I could have done something. But all I did was watch and look what happened because of it. Oh, and another thing about me is I can talk to animals. I am knocked out of my trance by the boat rocking and Katara yelling for Sokka to 'go left'. We crash into the ice and Katara says, "You call that left?" I amost laugh at that. Katara then rants to Sokka about having to do everything ever since mom left because Sokka made some sexist remark, but that's just how he is. Katara throws back her hands and suddenly the ice completely cracks. "Okay Katara, you wer weird at first, but now you're just freaky!" Sokka says. "You mean I did that?" Katara says. "Mhm, great job! Now we're stuck here!" Sokka says. I roll my eyes at them and then the look at the ice. It looks like there's a person in there. Katara notices too apparently, because she runs over and snatches Sokka's weapon to strike the ice with. It lets off a huge beam of light and Sokka sheilds us from the blast that causes glowing light to surround the water. Shooting up into the air and collapsing onto his back during the fall down to Earth, Katara catches the young boy around our age. He opens his eyes and weakly says, "Come here." Katara does and I cautiously stand by Katara. "Will you go penguin sledding with me?" he asks with a full voice while opening his eyes the rest of the way. "I-I guess," Katara says with a confused look on her face. I manage a smile and Katara looks at me with a grin. "What's your name?" Katara asks the boy. He has a blue arrow on his head and bright orange and yellow clothing. "Aang, what's your's?" He asks Katara with a sort of childish nature. "My name's Katara, this is Kata my sister and Sokka my brother," Katara answers. He suddenly sneezes and jumps up into the air close to fifteen feet up. "You just flew ten feet in the air!" Sokka my incredibly smart brother states. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I sigh. "Really? It seemed higher than that," he states cluelessly. "You're an airbender!" Katara says with astonishment clear in her voice. "Yep! Sure am!" he says. "Well, if you're and airbender, are you the avatar!" Katara asks. "No," he says looking the other way. He's lying, very badly, but he apparently convinces my siblings. Katara and Sokka look completely oblivious. Seriously? Even though they're both horrible liars, that's just sad. I don't mention it though, he seems harmless so far. Suddenly we heard a growl and Sokka screetches in a particularly high-pitched voice, "What was that?" "Appa!" Aang calls out in delight. Who? He runs over a ridge in the ice and Katara and Sokka follow, while I hesitate but go anyway. When I get over there I see a huge sky bison! "What is that thing?" Sokka asks. "This is Appa, my flying bison," Aang says. "Yeah, and this is Kata, my flying sister," Sokka my ever-sarcastic brother says. "No really, its true!" Aang defends. "How are we gonna get back you guys?" Katara asks. "I could fly you on Appa!" Aang chirps. I can tell my eyes change to ice blue because they do that when I'm nervous. Fly on that thing? No way! "Did your eyes really just change color?" Aang asks in astonishment with wide eyes. Katara knows I'm not going to answer the question so she says, "Yeah, they change color with her mood. That means she's nervous. She hates heights." "Oh, cool!" Aang says. I hop on Appa and pet him finally after the large best waves it's tail like a friendly dog. "Thanks Appa," I say affectionately, patting his fur. I wave over everyone and they get on. I sit on the far corner of the saddle away from everybody and Appa jumps up and splashes right into the water. "I told you he wouldn't fly!" Sokka says. "He's tired, soon enoughc he'll be soaring through the air!" Aang proudly states. I can feel my eyes change color. "Katara, what color are my eyes this time?" I silently ask. "They're violet, Kata, very pretty," Katara says. "Thanks." I mumble even though I don't think so. She always says that when they change to a color she hasn't seen before or when they turn back to violet, their original color. She doesn't know what violet means. It simply means I'm depressed, like usual. I look up from my hands to see Aang smiling at me. I contemplate asking why but Katara instead does it for me, asking Aang, "What are you looking at?" "Oh, uh. nothing. It's just, how did you get blue stripes in your hair?" Aang asks. "She was born with them, she doesn't speak much." Sokka says. I nod then just zone out.

We land and Katara runs to Gran Gran, our grandmother, and hugs her. Sokka does too and I slowly climb off Appa and hug Gran Gran as well. "Ah, I see your eyes are back to violet. When you left they were orange!" I was annoyed I had to go hunting with Sokka and Katara because they always argue. "Yeah, I was annoyed because Katara and Sokka never stop arguing." I say. She smiles when she hears me talking and laughs. "We are not!" Katara and Sokka both yell simultaniously. "Hey! Stop coppying me! Gran Gran! He's/She's coppying me!" They both yell. I roll my eyes and say, "See, told you, oh and since they're busy arguing that's Aang, he was in a block of ice," I say. She nods and greets Aang. Once they're finished arguing Aang says, "Hi, I'm Aang I'm an airbender!" Sokka's smart reply was, "Great! You're an airbender, Katara's a waterbender, Kata's a waterbender and can see spirits, together you guys can all waist time together!" "Wait, you guys are water benders, and you can talk to spirits? Awesome!" Aang says. "Yeah, but we're not that good, we're the only water benders in the entire South Pole. So we can't find a waterbending master," Katara says. Suddenly, the snow turns black. {Zuko's coming because of the beam of light instead of the flares set off from the old boat} Ashes; Fire Navy. They pull onto shore and a dude with a large scar on his face asks for all of the elder people. Aang steps up as the Avatar and guards take him away. The guy looks around, he glances at my eyes just as I feel them change color and says, "I'm taking her too, her eyes changed colors." Katara and Sokka both yell out and I'm roughly escorted onto the ship and thrown into a room where Aang is. "Why'd they take you?" Aang asks. I shrug and an old man walks in with a tray of tea. "Hello, I'm Iroh. Would you like some tea? Oh my, what unusual eyes you have, they change color! They're very pretty," he says with a kind smile. I nod as a thanks and he says, "You don't talk much, do you? Hm, is that because of depression or shyness? I'm very nice once you get to know me." "Depression, how did you know?" I say suddenly intrested. "When people don't talk much, those are the most common reasons as to why," he explains simply. Suddenly the door swings open and scar dude shouts, "Uncle! This is no time for tea!" "Anytime is time for tea! Oh, and be nice to the young lady over there," he says. He looks over at Aang and me and says, "I have a test for both of you coming soon. But first, why do your eyes change color?" he asks. "They've done that since she was little, she doesn't know the reason why though. She doen't talk much," Aang says. Scar dude looks at me and abruptly leaves the room. "You'll have to exuse Zuko, he's got some issues as well," Iroh says to Aang and me. I nod and seconds later Zuko comes in with a tray containing a rock, a container of what I think is water, a paper fan, and a lit candle. He places the items one at a time in front of Aang, and they all move. He comes over to me and puts the water in front of me and of course it moves. Then he puts the rock in front of me and it moves. My eyes widen and the same thing happens when he puts the candle and waves the fan in front of me. (the fan created an air current that moved in waves) What is this? "It looks like we have the Avatar and his Guardian with us, and judging by your look, you didn't even know it!" Zuko says to me. Guardian? What's he talking about? I'm nothing more than a water tribe girl who happens to water bend. Suddenly, Aang grabs my hand and flies out of the door. I let out a little shreik and see Aang laugh from the corner of my eye. We keep running and he finds his staff in a room. We run on deck with Zuko running after us the whole way. I spot Appa and yell, "Appa! Come here!" Appa hears and lands on the deck and splashes Zuko overboard. We hop on Appa and I thank him. Katara and Sokka tackle me in a hug and check for unexsisting injuries. "Katara?" I ask. "Yes?" she says. "What is the  Avatar's Guardian?" I question. Aang answers me, "It's supposed to be just like the Avatar, but more of a protector to keep the reincarnation safe during the Avatar state. The monks taught us about it, but they've been gone longer than the Avatar." "Well, apparently I'm the Guardian, or I think so. That Zuko guy said I was, and that was why the elements were moving when they were in front of me," I say. "My little sister? Absolutely not!" Katara and Sokka both say simultainiously. Why do they argue so often? They're so alike. "It's true, and there's something I need to tell you guys," Aang says. "I'm the avatar," he admits. "Why didn't you tell us?" Katara asks. "Seriously you guys? Even I could tell that he was lying!" I say. I tense, this has got to be the most I've said since my mother died. "Well, we decided on something Aang, how would you feel on taking us to the North Pole so you, Kata and I can learn waterbending? Kata, I already got your clothes and sleeping bag," Katara said. Good thing my blade is in a secret pocket in my sleeping bag. "Sounds amazing!" Aang says. "Okay, I'm going to sleep," I said. "Goodnight," we all mutter to eachother as a group. I go over to the furthest side of the saddle from everyone and fall asleep slowly.

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