Chapter 5

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  Hey guys! So, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever! I know, I'm horrible at updating, no one kill me pweaasseee: Oh, and please notice, there is a TRIGGER WARNING for this chapter. If you are easily triggered by the idea or concept of self-harm or reading about it PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS.

(: ;

Ba Sing Se. A large city with even larger walls surrounding it in the Earth Kingdom, run by the king and his Dai Lee agents. This is where we would be staying until we could arrange a meeting with the king himself.

    We have a small apartment at the edge of town, nothing too fancy but very well-kept. We all shared the upstairs and downstairs equally, two rooms downstairs-which belonged to Katara and Toph, and three rooms upstairs-which belonged to Aang, Sokka, and myself. Two doors on the left and one on the right upstairs, and one on each side downstairs. Sokka and Aang roomed across the hall from me, Aang's door being directly across from mine; Katara was on the left side downstairs.

    We each decided to decorate our rooms, and mine I painted black and put a red duvet cover on my bed. I like the simplicity of it, especially considering how strict Ba Sing Se seems to be. I made sure to keep a neutral color for the walls so to appease the land owner, thus the black paint.
I'm lucky honestly. I've got a large window on the farthest wall, and this is where I sit in the windowsill and crawl up to the roof to smoke. On occasion, I would notice people passing by, but mostly no one ever wandered through the grim streets that surrounded the house in a suffocating, piled-up mess of a system of construction. I will admit that this place was fairly decent. But something about the surround area with the scattered, crowded house and the scrap-yards they consider the ouside scenery is highly off-putting.

It's 3 A.M. currently and I'm leaning against the headboard of my bed with only a lamp on for light and very quiet music playing. I even burned some black cherry inscence to cleanse the room and make it better for my bending.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when a sudden knock arrises at my bedroom door and I stand up from my bed. I cross quickly over to the door and open it, only to reveal a tired and slightly confused Aang.

"Hey, you awake?" he asks in a soft, husky voice.

"Mhm," I nod, "I didn't wake you up, did I? I'm sorry, it's just that I have insomnia and I can't sleep usually."

He shakes his head 'no,' "I couldn't sleep either, actually. I saw your lights on when I went to get a glass of water from the kitchen."

    I nod and open the door wider to allow him into my room. He walks in with a grin and I jump on my bed, sitting cross-legged and pat the spot beside me.

"Come sit," I say with a small smile.

"Thanks," he answers sheepishly.

He sits beside me and crosses his legs as well, facing me. I lean back against the bed frame and bring my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them protectively.

    "So, what's the story behind that tattoo you hide?" he asks suddenly, then his eyes widen as if he realized what he's said and he shakes his head.

    "Sorry, you don't have to answer that if you don't want to-I just noticed it and thought it was cool is all," he stumbles over his words.

  "It's okay, I don't mind," I say smiling.

  I pull up my black long-sleeved shirt just enough to uncover my right hand to show the giant rose that covers my entire hand. It's done with black ink and lots of dimensional shading, making it one of my favorite ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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