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As Ruhi solicited my accompaniment outside, I detected a subtle yet palpable undertone of distress in her voice, a tacit indication that something was amiss

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As Ruhi solicited my accompaniment outside, I detected a subtle yet palpable undertone of distress in her voice, a tacit indication that something was amiss. It seemed she was grappling with an introspective conflict, yearning to unburden herself of a weighty secret yet struggling to articulate her thoughts. I nodded empathetically, my gaze locked onto hers, and ushered her out of the hotel room. We strolled to the adjacent ground, enveloped by the majestic silhouette of mountains and the crisp, cold air.

I kept my hands tucked into my pockets, feeling the gentle pressure of her arm encircling my wrist, a tender touch that elicited a surge of protectiveness within me. We settled onto the ground, the silence between us palpable, punctuated only by the soft rustling of leaves beneath our feet.

I turned to face her, my voice laced with softness and encouragement. "Ruhi, please share with me what's troubling you." But she demurred, her gaze faltering, her voice barely audible. "Rehan, nothing. I've already told you." I intuited that she was concealing something, a burden that was weighing heavily upon her. I longed to offer solace, to be her confidant, but she seemed lost in her thoughts, unable to find the words.

I waited with patient understanding, my eyes never wavering from hers, my heart beating with empathy. I recognized that sometimes, words were insufficient, and all someone required was a listening ear, a comforting presence. And so, I sat with her, enveloped by the cold mountain air, surrounded by the silence of the ground, waiting for her to find her voice, to share her secrets, to entrust me with her heart.

In a fleeting moment, Ruhi's thoughts seemed to unravel, and she wrapped her hands around my bicep, resting her head on my shoulder. I softly kissed her hair, savoring the sweet scent of her locks, a fragrance that filled my senses and transported me to a realm of serenity. The world around us melted away, leaving only the tranquility of our embrace. I felt like I had attained everything life had to offer - love, peace, and a sense of completeness. It was as if I had won at life.

But then, Ruhi's gentle murmur brought me back to reality. "I was six when my father took away my world in front of my eyes," she whispered, her voice barely audible, her words laced with a deep sadness. I looked at her, and her eyes locked onto mine, pleading to be heard, to be understood. Her gaze was haunted, her eyes sunken, and her face pale, as if the weight of her memories was crushing her. I hummed softly, encouraging her to continue, my heart aching with anticipation.

As she began to speak, her eyes betrayed her, and a tear raced down her cheek, leaving a trail of sorrow. Her body trembled, and her voice cracked, as if the mere recollection of her past was enough to shatter her. I wiped away her tear gently, my thumb grazing her skin, and pulled her closer, my arms enveloping her in a warm embrace. "What happened? I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," I said, my voice laced with concern, my heart heavy with empathy.

She sat up, her gaze still fixed on mine, her eyes red-rimmed from unshed tears. "I don't know where to start, but...I've never been loved by my dad. He killed my mom, right in front of me, when I was just six."

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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