Chapter 37

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"The bride is here!" Raviel shouted as he stood up from where he was sitting to meet me. Terrible. That was my initial thought when I saw my classmates turn to me one by one. How many of us are here?

I saw that Savannah was also there, which gave me trouble. She even whispered "the bitch is here" in the air. Well, she's right, but I just avoided looking at her. I am not here to fight. I am here to pay for my debts. I am here to rest. I am here to have fun, and with their stares, I am running out of social battery.

I was surprised when Raviel came to me to take my suitcase. "I thought you weren't going," he added. "I'll bring your luggage to your respective tent. Only those who won the activities earlier will sleep at home; the rest will be in the tent. You can sit there; I'm done eating." He points to the vacant space where he left.

"Huh? Oh, okay, but I'll take care of my luggage." I try to take it from him, but he doesn't give it back.

"Let me, so you can eat your dinner and take some rest," Raviel insisted.

"I'll hold it for her."

Ismael immediately pulled my luggage from Raviel. Gosh. I thought he had left?

My eyes widened, and I was amazed at what he did. What the hell? Why did he compete with Raviel? Isn't he afraid? What will they think? I thought we agreed to have a secret relationship?

"N-no! I can do it on my own, p-professor! I can do it! I brought it here alone so I can bring it to the tent!" I took my luggage from his hand so they wouldn't argue anymore. I'm regretting coming here now! I just hope those who saw it didn't take it as something else. Ismael is really being reprimanded. Does he want to be expelled from Marcus University?

Fortunately, Atacia, our classroom president, greeted me before pointing to our tent. She said she was with me inside the tent and our other classmate. I just nodded, even though I was feeling too much. I'm not really good at it! I feel like I want to go home.


"Jothea! What are you doing there? Come here!" Raviel called to me when he saw that I was just outside the tent watching them. I don't know if I will go there with them. I don't have any friends. Unlike Ismael, who was busy talking to other professors.

Raviel pulled me over to the wide table where my classmates were also there, who were both busy eating. My suspicions were correct; there was indeed a lot of food lined up in the middle.

"Here you go. It's clean."

I looked at the plate that Raviel was handing to me. There is fried rice, grilled fish, longganisa, tomatoes, red eggs, kangkong, and puto. I smiled inside. Now I can eat it again, ah.

"I don't know what you really like to eat. Do you eat those?"

I nodded. "Yes, thank you very much," I simply replied before starting to eat.

He sat next to me again and handed me a bottle of soft drink. In fairness, Raviel is attentive. I remembered that he was the one who helped me get into the casino and get a job. I never had the chance to thank him for that.

"Thank you for introducing me to Mr. Vargas."

He smiled. "Don't mention it. We're friends. We're supposed to help each other, aren't we? So help yourself too and eat," he said before letting me eat.

For the first time in my life, I became conscious of the people around me. I know they are looking at me, even though I'm at the end of the seat and Raviel is next to me on the left. Fortunately, the food was good, so they were erased from my mind. I should fill myself, because I might suffer forever in the next few days.

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