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∞New York∞
Elizabeth and I walk through a crowded street in the middle of New York. The scent of hundreds of humans fogs my brain and I can feel the raw sting of thirst in the back of my throat. Elizabeth smiles at me as we walk into a small bar.

I follow as she leads me towards the bar and orders two shots of vodka. "I thought we couldn't eat or drink humam food?" I say.

"If you have a regular diet of blood your body functions normally," she says. I nod. We clink glasses before drinking the alcohol. My throat burns and I feel a rush.

After multiple shots of alcohol and many hours later, the effects of alcohol are finally kicking in. Elizabeth and I dance together, to I love it by Icona Pop. We laugh as we bop at and down with the beat of the song. My phone rings so I excuse myself and head towards the bathroom. Answering the phone I think about how great life is without my humanity.

"Isabella?" Jasper says.

"Hello Jasper," I giggle.

"What's wrong?" He asks, worry evident in his voice.

"I am absolutely wasted," I laugh.

"Isabella you need to come home," Jasper tells me. "We need you here."

"Sorry Jasper, but I am better off without you and the disgraces that you and I made. I have found a better life with Elizabeth and without my humanity. You are all dead weight and the sooner you forget me, the better."

"You don't mean that Isabella," Jasper voice cracks. "This isn't you. I know it isn't. Elizabeth is-"

"The best thing that has happened to me," I cut him off. "Jasper you don't know the real me. Goodbye." I hang up, suddenly feeling the urge to kill. Elizabeth walks in and smiles at me.

"I was thinking maybe we could drink something a little more richer," she says with a devious glint in her eye.

"I couldn't agree more."


As I throw the drained body on the pavement, I wipe the blood off my lips. The thirst in my throat has numbed but hasn't disappeared. I look at the scattered bodies around us. I lick my lips as Elizabeth starts gathering the bodies in a pile to burn.

I watch as the pile ignites, and the embers float high into the air. "I want you to meet someone," Elizabeth says. "Follow me." I follow her through the city, with the chilly winter air blowing on my face.

We walk towards a large club where music is pumping and the ground shakes slightly with every bass note. We head into the club and I look around quickly for someone who may be intriguing. She leads me to one of the most good looking men I've ever seen.

"Hello Dimitri," she smiles at the man. His brown hair is short and he was the deepest drown eyes. Dimitri looks up at us and smiles widely.

"Hello Elizabeth," he says in a British accent. "I thought I told you to stop bringing me beautiful women." He winks at me and I bite my lip.

"I know Dimitri but this is one of my closest friends. Dimitri meet Isabella, Isabella this is Dimitri," she smiles.

Dimitri takes my hand in his and softly kisses my knuckle. "Any friend of Elizabeth is a friend of mine. It is an honor to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine," I say smiling.

"Don't try to get any emotion out of her, she doesn't have her humanity," Elizabeth states. "Isabella, Dimitri is a Witch and is one of my closest friends."

"I didn't realize Witches existed," I say.

"No-one really does. But we do, and I can do basically any spell," Dimitri smirks at me.

"Now Dimitri, I have some errands I must run before the sun comes up, so do you think you will be able to entertain Isabella until I return. I'll meet you at you're apartment later," Elizabeth smirks before leaving.

"Let's get out of here," Dimitri says, linking my arm around his.

I let him lead me through the city and towards a large apartment complex. Once we are there, he quickly takes off his coat and sits on the couch and I sit beside him. "So Isabella, have anyone special in your life?"

"I am married, but I do not love the man I am with," I say.

"Well maybe I'll be able to make you feel love," Dimitri says before kissing me hard. If I had my humanity I would probably feel bad for what I did, but I don't. I kissed him back, and he led me to the bedroom, which is were I took charge.

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