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For the first time in my vampire life, my stomach churns. I feel physically sick. The thought that in 2 short hours, we will storm the walls of Volterra, and we will attempt to overthrow the Volturi. I stand with Elizabeth as we slowly march in the direction of the small town. My palms feel clammy, even though it is impossible for them to sweat, and I cannot think straight. I just pray to the God I have never thought of before, that Jasper did something. Found some way to save me. The selfish thoughts that flow through my mind, cannot be helped.

I march with 57 other vampires. 57 vampires who have had their switch flicked, their humanity off, and have been compelled to fight to the death. I was lucky enough to be allowed my humanity, I was allowed that for my memories.

"Isabella?" Elizabeth whispers from beside me.

"Yes?" I reply, my eyes staying glued ahead.

"I want to give you a gift for being such a good slave," I can hear the devilish smirk in her voice. MY eyes look into hers, as a frown crawls on my face. "And if we are going to die in a few hours, I don't want to spend my last hours sinning." The devilish smirk grows slightly, as her eye squints slightly.

I gulp hard, my eyes meeting Edwards for a moment, he raises an eyebrow at me. An hour passes as we continue walking before Elizabeth stops. Instantly, everyone following us stops too. Elizabeth turns to me and smiles, still with that she-devil look in her eye.

"In less than an hour, we will pass into Volterra. The outcome of today is not given and some of you will die, but we will be victorious no matter what happens, and our story will be known as one of the greatest stories of our time," her voice is loud and proud, as she knows exactly what she wants. "Isabella, my sweet child, have been a good slave. Therefore, I want you to remember everything I stole from you. And now we march forward."

My legs seem to push me forward as a imaginary flood gate opens in my mind. My head spins at the automatic response to her words, and I begin to feel faint. In my mind, images flash before my eyes, lasting for a few seconds before moving on.


I was stirring the pasta when there was a knock on the door. Who ever it is isn't Edward, because he normally doesn't knock. I opened the door to the smirking face of Jasper Whitlock... His hand brushes mine and a electricity rushes through my hand.

"Yes Jasper. I know you were trying to protect me because you were the youngest and dealing with everyone's blood lust not only your own..." "Thank-you Bella!"

"May I ask what is happening between you and Edward..." "...He may have been through high school a hundred times but I haven't and want to have as many human experiences before I become a vampire."

Edward grabs me out of the car and roughly pulls me into a hug. Before I can even react, Jasper has me out of his arms and Edward is being held against a tree.

"He was handling you too roughly. I didn't want to see you get hurt..." Jasper says looking at his fingers. I smiled slightly and felt gratitude towards Jasper.

Jasper runs at Vampire speed and hugs me tightly. I hug him back, ignoring the electricity running through me and how my head suffenly feels light.

"I don't want her to find out that we aren't mates and that she isn't supposed to be with me... and that I have a girl on the side..." "Who is this girl," Jasper says placing hus hand on mine, rubbling circles into my skin. "Tanya Denali."

"Edward! You and I are done!"

My eyes stare into Jaspers, and I suddenly cant move. My whole world stops spinning and I am absorbed in this moment. Jaspers gold eyes search into mine looking for something as my chocolate brown eyes search into his. I wonder if this is why Edward and I never worked, but Peter clears his throat ruining the moment.

"Please stay," I mutter whilst half asleep. "Jasper don't go."

"Isabella... I prefer Isabella."

"I walked through the forst and didn't stop. I enjoyed being outside at night, and I enjoyed being one with nature... I was grabbed and pulled to the ground, where something kept touching me... and hutting me. Finally the scratching was over and I could look at my attacker... Edward... Edward rushed to me at vampire speed and held me against a tree by my throat. I was gasping for air and he was squeezing tighter."

He stands up straight with his shoulders squared. His eyes go from a topaz gold to a midnight black. Jasper looks like some kind of commander... "I am Major, the God of War."

I Major and Edward fight, and I am memerized by the elegancy of the Major. His fight techniques are quite beautiful. Before I can even gather a thought about the fight, Edward has his hand wrapped around my neck and the other wrapped around my stomach, and I let out a shocked scream, my eyes searching Majors. That's when it all goes black.

I know Jasper bit me and I know I am finally becoming a vampire... Finally my eyes open. I can see everthing and it is so clear... Finally my eyes meet hus. His gold eyes are light but aware. His mouth turned up into a smile... Keeping myself in Jaspers arms I turn and look at us in the mirror, A gasp escpaes my mouth. My skin is white like snow... My body is slim... Then I notice my eyes... Blood red... Thirsty for blood.

"We want you both to join the Vulturi."

so there we are, now apart of the Volturi!

"Iz has finally discovered her power... I believe it is a physical shield."

Jasper Hale Whitlock, I am grateful I had a forever with you, even though it was a short forever.

I look up at Jasper and the moon makes his blood red eyes look like a warm orange. Jasper's eyes look from my eyes to my lips then back, and I bit my lip smiling . I go onto my tippy toes as Jasper leans down. Our lips press together and fireworks go off in my mind.... Jasper pulls me closer and presses his lips harder to mine... "I love you," I say.

"We have come to report a crime," Kate says. "I'm afraid out sister has done something terrible... Tanya created an immortal child."

"Isabella you don't get it don't you. I was the one that suggested creating the child. I want to die. I have no reason without you Bella and this is my final option. Death."

I look away as they are pulled apart and the last words to leave Edward's mouth is "I love you Isabella Marie Swan."

Edward and Tanya are dead.

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