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The green eyes flicker across the room with the speed of an immortal. I have a faint smile on my lips as I watch my son. After 190 years, we have been reunited again. Edwards face twists into a deep frown.

"Why did you bring me back?" He asks. "How did you bring me back? How are you alive?"

"My dear son," I begin. "Carlisle changed me too all those years ago. I couldn't bear facing you, knowing that I had changed you into a monster. I allowed him to look after you, to protect you and to teach you his ways. I kept in contact with Carlisle, and he kept me informed about you. It was only until you moved back to Forks that I lost contact. I also met a mysterious female along my travels. Amelia Whitlock. Kind heart she has. Also an interesting ability. She can make vampires able to have children.

"I managed to compel her to stay with me so I can have some children. Dimitri and Caleb. They're your brothers. Once she had done what I needed I disposed her, and took her memories of me. I was fortunate when Caleb met Alice Cullen and became her mate. Because he led me to you, to Isabella. Caleb was there was the Volturi killed you and managed to gather your ashes. He used his power to bring you home, to bring you back. Edward, we can be a family again."

"What is the point though? Why did I have to return?" Edward looks at me curiously.

"Because,  it is time that we take pur rightful places at the top. Listen Edward, we can become the rulers. We can gather an army. We can take over the Volturi and we can become the leaders of supernatural beings and Humans. They will all fear us," I smirk at my son. "But first we need to get your girl back."

I walk through the house, humming lightly to myself. I am surprised Jasper left me alone for the day. But I am glad he did. Today I will pamper myself. Go hunting. Kill. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I answer it immediately. "Hello?"

"Hello Isabella," the familiar voice of Elizabeth replies. "How are you?"

"I am fine thank you," I smile. "How are you?"

"I am quite amazing. I would like you to come back to me. Tell Jasper you are going on a holiday to help yourself and come to New York."

"I'll be there."

I hang up the phone and dash to the kitchen. I take a piece of paper and scribble a note onto it.

I am going on a holiday to help myself. I haven't been feeling right since I came back, so I am going to have some time by myself.
Isabella x

I leave the note on the bench before sprinting out of the door. I decide against getting a plane, as my credit card account can be tracked, so I run the whole way.


It took me there days to get to New York. My body should be aching with the long trip, but I feel nothing. I feel as if my Humanity has been turned off, but I know it hasn't. I arrive at the apartment in which Elizabeth has moved into and wait at the door.

Her smiling face greets me and she pulls me into a motherly hug. "Isabella, my daughter. How are you?"

"I am good Elizabeth," I release her. "Why did you call me here?"

"There is something you need to see," Elizabeth pulls me inside and leads me towards the lounge area. There sitting on the couch is some one I saw die.

"Edward?" I gasp.

Immortal LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz