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Weeks have passed, and the Hale boy is still watching me carefully. Edward and Bella have started living in Los Angeles, and Alice and Caleb have also moved there for the time being. Once Jasper Hale leaves me alone and stops stalking me, I will be able to have my family back together.

"Gwen, I do not understand," I say. Since Jasper is a vampire and has sensitive hearing we have decided to make codenames for each other, excluding me. Gwen is Bella's codename, Edward is known as Peter, Alice is called Tina and Caleb is Harry. The names are not the most original, I know, but they work.

"Mother, they keep trying to get into contact with me and I cannot continue ignoring them," Isabella's voice is pained. "They were my family once."

"Darling daughter, I know this, but I am now your family. I am all you need. And I will always, always put you and your siblings first." Bella sighs using her English accent.

We say our goodbyes before ending the phone call. I sigh. I do not know how we will be able to defeat the Volturi... We need a larger army. Who can we get? Maybe the rest of the Cullens. I compelled Isabella to join me, maybe I can compel the rest. And Jasper? He would be a valuable ally. But his love for Bella may ruin that. Unless...


Sorry this chapter is so short, but I am planning on getting back into my Wattpad writing.

I hope all my readers had a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope 2016 is full of happiness and love and it fulfils all your dreams.

Much love,

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