𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰

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A few days later, Shubman and the Indian cricket team were leaving the Wankhede Stadium after an intense practice session. The players, refreshed and changed, were in the midst of animated conversations when a sudden honk grabbed their attention. All heads turned to see Ananya standing beside her gleaming Range Rover, a sight that turned quite a few heads.

With a radiant smile, Ananya ran towards Shubman, who opened his arms wide. She leapt into his embrace, laughing as he spun her around briefly. "Missed me?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Always," Shubman replied, setting her down gently. Ananya then greeted the rest of the team, who were all admiring the luxurious car.

"Nice wheels, Ananya!" KL remarked, clearly impressed.

Ananya smiled confidently. "Thanks! I absolutely love cars," she said, though she couldn't help but remember the fact that her driving skills were, to put it mildly, terrible. Deep down, she knew she always relied on her driver because she had failed her driving test four times.

The players soon started dispersing, heading off in various directions. Shubman joined Ananya by the car. "Ready to go see those properties?" she asked eagerly.

"Definitely," he replied, glancing at the car. "How about you drive?"

Ananya's confident demeanor wavered for a moment. She grabbed his arm and steered him towards the back seat. "Uh, no, why don't you just relax?" she said, blushing slightly. She opened the door for him, and he climbed in, a smile playing on his lips.

As they settled into the plush backseat, Ananya glanced at the driver. "Nitin Kaka, please take us to Colaba," she instructed. The car smoothly rolled out of the stadium parking lot.

Shubman wrapped an arm around Ananya's shoulder, pulling her closer. "So, how's your schedule looking this week?" he asked.

"Busy, as always," she sighed, leaning into him. "But I'm really excited about finding our new place."

"Me too," he agreed, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. They continued talking about their schedules, sharing little moments of affection as they went.

When they arrived at the first property, they put on their masks and stepped out of the car to meet the agent. The property in Colaba was a stunning 4BHK, listed at a hefty 27 crores. Ananya loved it at first sight, but Shubman had his reservations. He asked the agent detailed questions, probing into every aspect of the apartment.

Ananya, sensing his dissatisfaction, eventually said, "I think we should keep looking." Shubman nodded in agreement, and they politely declined the agent before heading back to the car.

Their next stop was in Bandra, where they checked out another property priced at 15 crores. This time, both Ananya and Shubman found it lacking. "Not quite what we're looking for," Ananya said, shaking her head as they left.

Back in the car, she opened a beer bottle and handed it to Shubman, who shook his head. "No thanks," he said, smiling. "Suit yourself," she shrugged, taking a big sip. He watched her with amusement, shaking his head at her antics.

As they drove, they discussed the upcoming Asia Cup. "First match is against Nepal," Shubman said, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Ananya scoffed playfully. "Nepal? That's practically a free win for you guys," she teased. "But good luck anyway." She leaned in and kissed him lustily, her lips lingering on his. Just as the kiss began to deepen, the Nitin kaka's voice interrupted them.

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