One Chat Later... (Chapter 13)

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After such a daring escape, Josh and BigMac were now on the other side of town, sitting down at a table outside a local restaurant filled with furs of all kinds.

Although they didn't order anything, they were discussing how on earth they'd get out of here.

B.M: "So now... What I get from this is, you just so happened to spawn into this world... Get eaten like 4 times, and then FINALLY reach me?"

J: "Uh, yeah. And surprisingly enough, it wasn't even willingly, despite me being into that shit."

B.M: "Regardless... We're trapped in this world! How are we gonna get out of here?"

J: "Already have that covered!"

Josh pulled out a paper from his jacket, handing it to BigMac. BigMac then inspected this paper thoroughly.

J: "I managed to find this job opportunity thingy at some sort of restoration lab!"

B.M: "Uh, Josh? This is just a game advertisement."

J: "Nuh uh! Look!"

Josh pointed specifically at the "Now Hiring!" Part of that poster.

J: "It's obviously hiring, right? Maybe perhaps we can find something to get us out of this place in this lab!"

B.M: "Wait, isn't that just stealing? I mean, you may be right about escaping, but, labs usually have high security..."

J: "Pfft! The nightshift position is available! All we gotta do is spend the night at that place! Plus, we get our own cozy and secure office."

Josh flipped the paper over in BigMac's hands, showcasing an office that contained two industrial, button operated doors on either side, along with a monitor, cameras, and a few more things offices have.

J: "How hard could it be to sneak around and get something to help us?"

B.M: "Eh, you're right... I'm sure that could be feasible."

B.M: "Besides, it's just a security guard thing, how hard could it be?"

As those two continued on about using this job to their advantage, a pair of ears were quietly listening in on them from afar.

Hiding their face with a newspaper, they listened intentionally, their ears perking up at any word as their tail swayed.

???: "A heist, huh?"

They silently muttered to themselves as they smirked.

???: "Well, if they plan on stealing, then they'll definitely be meeting me in that place... Heh."

They let out a small chuckle as they silently got up and walked away, hips swaying as many took a quick glace at the wolf's behind before going back to what they were doing.

Anyway, back to BigMac and Josh.

B.M: "Alright, fine, you got me, I'm all in. But don't blame me if we end up in someone's belly!"

J: "Relax! I'm sure our mechanics will be enough to get out of them alive."

It's not common for Josh and BigMac to be plotting stuff like this unless they're playing jailbreak or something. Regardless, this was their only shot of escaping without resetting.

Besides, who wants to take the coward's way out? That's no fun!

So the plan was set, take the job, steal, escape back to Roblox. Simple! The two got up, leaving a tip for whomever may walk by that table as they took their leave.

J: "Besides, What's gonna happen? Some robot gonna try to kill us or something?"

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