New Challenger! (Chapter 14)

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So... Our boys have a plan, and that plan is simple, apply for a job at a lab, steal something that'll help them get home, and then... Well, get home! Despite the plan having many flaws, there wasn't much they could do about it either. It was either go with their current plan, or stay stuck in this world of weird spin-off games.

Obviously, they weren't gonna stick around for that, so our duo continues their journey, BigMac's face buried in a map as the two travel through game after game, searching for where on earth this lab was supposed to be.

B.M: "Uhm... So then... We take a left- no... Right! Uhm..."

BigMac adjusted the angle of his map, looking at it from every angle as Josh stood next to him, looking annoyed.

J: "I thought you said you were good with maps, bro."

B.M: "This is way different than any map I've seen... All of the places are in one big mess! Look!"

BigMac turned the map, showing Josh that it was indeed, a giant mess. No paths, no directions, it was all just a big mess of places.

J: "...Are we ever gonna make it to this lab?"

B.M: "At this rate, probably not."

So the two kept walking down the trail, confused, and trying to figure out where the hell they're supposed to go.

But of course, what would be a chapter of a story if there wasn't anything interesting?

As they had their faves buried in the map, BigMac heard some rustling from the leaves. Confused, he looked up, only to be met with someone's ass to the face.

B.M: "Agh!"

The impact sent him back a few steps, dropping the map as Josh quickly took notice.

J: "Wha- BigMac!"

Josh however, didn't have any time to think as he was suddenly pinned down by a heavy object.

J: "Oof!"

All he heard was a laugh above him, but he couldn't see who it was, as he could barely look up at the road.

BigMac slowly got up, rubbing his head as he was able to see who was laughing. From the looks of things, it looked like a white wolf with red and blue hair, laughing as he pinned Josh to the ground with his massive ass, his butt cheeks covered in many different colored and patterned stars.

???: "Hah! Too easy, really."

BigMac came to his senses quickly, reaching behind him and taking out a shotgun, aiming it right at the beast.

B.M: "Who are you?!"

???: "Oh, me? Yeah, might as well know who I am before you become another star of mine..."

E: "I'm Eric, more commonly referred to as the "Collector of stars" as my friends call me."

This new Eric guy ground his ass down onto Josh, who grunted and struggled under his weight.

E: "You know, I couldn't help but notice you two wandering around. You're not from here, are you? No tail, no sharp teeth."

B.M: "Yeah, no shit! We're just trying to get home!"

E: "Yeah, no can do. I pretty much have a star from everyone here, so..."

E: "Maybe perhaps you two can give me a couple of new ones!"

Eric shouted as Josh felt one of his legs slip into Eric's asshole.

J: "Agh!"

BigMac didn't hesitate, as he proceeded to fire a round from his shotgun right at Eric. However, the round barely phased the wolf, as it proceeded to sit up, and turn around, blocking the shot with the fat from its ass.

E: "Hah! You think that thing is gonna work on me?"

Eric taunted BigMac, shaking his ass at him as his hole continued to pull Josh into his butt.

J: "N-no! I'm into this shit but not when it's happening to me!"

B.M: "What?"

J: "Huh?"

An awkward moment of silence passed before BigMac drew a sword from seemingly nowhere, before dashing right at Eric. The wolf, however, quickly dodged out of the way, not before BigMac grabbed Josh's hand, pulling him out of the wolf's asshole just before he fully disappeared.

J: "Agh! Wuh... I'm alive?!"

B.M: "Yeah yeah, let's just deal with this mutt already!"

Eric now stood there in a defensive stance, watching BigMac help his friend up. Eric's original idea, now foiled quickly by BigMac's blade and quick thinking.

B.M: "Hey, listen... Eric, was it? Can you just go away? We're just trying to find somewhere where we can get a job-"

Eric cut BigMac off, sounding annoyed and cocky.

E: "I told you... You two would make a great addition to my collection of stars!"

J: "...Okay, look, take it from me, we really don't wanna-"

Again, Josh was cut off, this time by one of Eric's actions as he suddenly lunged at BigMac, turning around and ready to slam his ass down on the burger. Unfortunately though, he underestimated BigMac's reaction time.

BigMac decided to draw his sword back.

B.M: "Add this to your collection!"

He shouted before straight up shoving the blade up Eric's ass which caused the wolf to howl in agony as he quickly drew back from his assault. Eric then stumbled back, whining and flexing his asshole as it leaked blood.

E: "T-this isn't over! Mark my words, after my butt recovers I will-"

J: "Shut up."

Is all Josh said before snapping his fingers, causing a dog kennel made of stones to appear around Eric.

E: "Hey! I'm not some house pet! Let me out!"

Eric tried to break it, but he was too weakened with the blade up his butt, his hole leaking more blood as Josh scoffed.

J: "..Eh, I like it when girls do it to me better."

BigMac ignored that weird comment, and just sighed, looking at josh and cringing.

B.M: "Eugh... Dude, you smell awful."

J: "I know... Wanna take a detour and clean up down by the waterfall?"

B.M: "Yeah, we can't go to a job interview smelling like this..."

With that, Josh and BigMac started backtracking down the path, trying to find the waterfall they passed as Eric yelled for them, sounding both annoyed and disrespected.

E: "Hey! You can't just leave me here! I'm the collector of stars, not a house pet!"

Of course, he was ignored, as BigMac and Josh wanted nothing to do with any of that star stuff.

B.M: "Hey, by the way, I think the lab is just a few miles up the road from where we left off."

J: "Really? I thought the map said-"

B.M: "Screw the map, it's not really helping, besides, blah blah blah..."

Their words faded out as Eric sat there and whined, looking like a desperate puppy rather than an intimidating wolf.

E: "Stupid humans..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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